Youtube is stupid

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by IamSaj, May 27, 2013.

  1. I find Google plus to be vigorously aggravating, should this problem continue I might just cease all actions within it's designated site, however that may not likely happen seeing as how it is quite addictive and appealing in it's own way.

    Besides the point I also happen to discover that the updates on the website titled Youtube seems to be quite annoying and I pray that it will cease soon enough.
  2. Who said YouTube is stupid? They make awesome updates:
    Unbenannt.png :p
  3. I hate the new Youtube One layout.
    I hate Google +. (I'm glad they're shutting it down)

    I'm fine with everything else about them.
  4. I have this friend who uses Google +. He's a bit of a nut. I will be looking forward to telling him this.

    (Edited By ICC: Please don't post Religious or Political reasons for why you consider people "a nut".)
  5. I agree, doesn't everyone love being able to count how many aufrufes their video has?
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  6. "Aufrufe" is the German word for views. And it's already the plural :p didn't thought about by posting it...
  7. I've had a smoldering hatred of Google since they bought Youtube, and the old OLD channel designs (the ones where you could upload background pictures, view page comments, videos, subscribers, and change colors / transparencies however you liked) were removed in favor of gray cookie-cutter crap. Since then it's been a downhill slide and the only reason I still have a channel there is because unfortunately Youtube is still the biggest and most popular video site. I pray someday that changes, but something tells me Google would simply absorb that one as well, and corrupt it the same way.

    I also believe Google has surpassed military defense hardware in terms of "Who will be responsible for Skynet and the machine uprising?" But that's a whole other kettle of paranoia.