M3RKMUS1C Xviperlink ZexyZek Chuggaacoroy Captainsparklez Simon Lewis Sips Sjin Duncan Rythian Jeb Notch & finally Aikar cause he is da best at ruining the economy lolz Jkjkjk. He's actually an awesome guy and does a lot of work for EMC.
Markus Persson Jens Bergersten Nathan Adams Markus Toivonen If you don't know who these are, you either just started playing Minecraft or you aren't a real fan of MC.
1) This gentleman. On the surface, he looks like your average, if slightly elderly, gentleman, who probably works in law and is the obscure cousin of a famous person. However, he is not the average gentleman. He leads the political party in Northern Ireland which I belong to, the strongest representation of the core principles of peace and reconciliation which this country desperately needs. Of course, as I have gotten many a time before, you're probably thinking 'lol volt a politician? why not worship a singer as your role model? you're probably a victim of his indoctrination and smear campaigns.' No, but you see, this man represents a cause far greater than the simple advocation of left-wing and right-wing politics in most countries, who press for regular policies in things like housing and the environment. What this gentleman represents is a vision which I and the rest of the party share, a vision of a Northern Ireland characterized not by sectarianism, paramilitaries and bombing, but a 'shared future', where everyone can play their role and live free of intimidation and fear. And believe me, there is a lot in this country to be intimidated and scared by. Many are attacked for their viewpoints. I'm constantly warned not to express my political opinions on Facebook by my parents. However, I want to stand up for myself and the people of Northern Ireland and bring change. By the way, this guy's name is David Ford. 2) Dawkins. Because atheism. 3) Mandela. Because reconciliation, patience and humility, qualities I need. 4) Myself. 5) The imaginary image of what I strive to be.
Richard Nixon knew how to get the job done. He pulled troops out of Vietnam while simultaneously adding to the offense , helped put down segregation, improved relations with the USSR and China during the Cold War and achieved a balanced budget in the US. I know how and why he was criticized for his involvement in the Watergate scandal, but I see that as only one stain in a very good record.
EDIT: Joe Rogan, WoodysGamertag, Seananners, Tyler The Creator, George Carlin, Daniel Tosh, My late high school English teacher: Brent Wiley, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
Jonas Salk - Created a vaccine for Polio, then didn't patent it. Neil Armstrong - First man on the moon, proving that the humans can do just about anything if they set their mind's to it. The Curiosity Rover - For further improving our knowledge of our neighbor, the Red Planet. Yes, I want to be a rover when I grow up.