Your Fame?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. ^ I've done.
    ^^ Who are you?
    Me: Same as before.
  2. Pretty famous.

    Same as before.
  3. Not sure if I understand...
  4. I'm not sure If I did either lol.
    Whenever I read your posts, all I remember is your skin lol
  5. I guess that's good?
    creepincreepers7 and RainbowChin like this.
  6. Charip:
    I built a skin statue for you :D I've seen you a bit on the forums, but not on any servers but 8

    Me: I'm that guy standing behind you right know...(Admit it you looked)
    I'm well-known on the forums, but one day I hope to be known as as much of a spammer as Nfell.
    His likes/posts ratio is 0.38 and mine is 0.45. I'm getting closer haha.
    I'd say I'm somewhat well known on most servers, but mainly Smp7 since it's my "town" server.
    Not sure if anyone remembers me from this, but I'd say the time I made it to like the top 5 in the zombie only mob arena with absolutely nothing was really cool :cool:
    mba2012 likes this.
  7. CreepinCreepers: Don't exactly know you.

    Me: See above.
  8. Jay: Remembers you for your cape. :confused:
    Me: LLO, Wild Reach, LCO, Suicide Run, Sunstreak Island, and other wild stuff that people know me from.
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. How do you know my cape? I didn't even know you knew I had one.
  10. :eek::(
    Don't blame you, I have only seen you on the forums a little bit.
  11. Your signature/avatar…
  12. Right... I didn't think anyone ever payed attention to those.
  13. You're funny.
    Everyone does :p
    I've read some people's over and over.
    I really like RainbowChin's :
    A man with a watch knows what time it is,
    A man with two watches can never be too sure...
    mba2012 likes this.
  14. Boooo. You forgot to judge their fame.
    CC7: I know him! :D
    Me: I don't know what to put here anymore…
    creepincreepers7 and mba2012 like this.
  15. Pen: Someone who likes eating EMC logos.
    Me: Someone who posts on the forums.
    penfoldex likes this.
  16. Pen: Someone who is really picky... :p
    Me: I have a rollercoaster that I've slowly worked on for the entire time I've been on EMC and I still haven't finished it.
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. I think I may have heard your name somwhere before...
    Me: I'll get my pen to autograph your face.
  18. :confused:
    Qwerty: Still that beacon hoarder. And wither heads too. :p
    Me: I'm just going to stop posting here…
  19. You: You post on the forums a lot.

    Me: Everyone loves my property, though I think of it as an eyesore.
  20. This post gave me my 500th like :D
    Pen: Awesome dude who's gonna keep me company 100K blocks out on Smp8... Or I think he still is O-o
    Me: I just hit 500 likes woot woot!
    Edit:Ninja'd by Jay2a... I'm gonna leave it though.
    mba2012 and penfoldex like this.