Hi! I'm Tre and I'm 13 and about to be 14 in December 13. Looking for new friends to you know skype me if your up for Adventure and my recovery from endless boredom... So yeah if you want to help me out in minecraft, skype is OfficialTreRose!
Welcome to the Empire, and well, happy birthday in advance because I'm sure I won't be able to remember it at that time Hope you're going to have a great time here!
Welcome to the Empire, where lots of things occur. Though I think that's something we can all concur. For now I say have fun! Just don't be too brash under that blocky sun. Now that we've met I must go, Yet we will meet again and that you can be sure.
I'm getting a hang up it, a few twist and turn that I should have expected, and I'm now on mumble and people are very helpful. I'm almost out of my starter kit so hopefully it turns out great for me, I also have my Res in SMP8, a lot of beautiful work that I have seen. I come to my conclusion that I have have lots of fun advance, will take some time, and find friends and support.