Yet another Random # Giveaway - This one by Twitch1 - 5 DOTA 2 Keys

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Twitch1, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Yes.
    Twitch1 likes this.
  2. Updated OP.
    OrigamiJoe likes this.
  3. Only few more :D I think
    Twitch1 likes this.
  4. I was writing this up as you posted your reply. Are you a mind reader?

    54 entries still available. Come one, come all. This game costs $29.99 on Steam. I am giving 5 lucky contestants out of 100 a chance at a free copy. Odds of winning decrease each time a winner is announced...
    Currently only functions on Windows but OS X and Linux development shouldn't be far behind. :)
  5. Still 54 entries available.. Come one, come all. Free copy of DOTA 2 which costs $29.99 on Steam.
    5 copies to try and win. Who will it be?
  6. Still 54 entries available.. Come one, come all. Free copy of DOTA 2 which costs $29.99 on Steam.
    5 copies to try and win. Who will it be?
  7. 1 please good sir :)
  8. 51 please!
  9. Updated OP.
    52 more entries available.
  10. Bump,
  11. Seems not many people are interested in this giveaway so I am going to do the random drawing with the current contestants until all 5 are given away.

    No photo evidence this time as it may take many attempts but I will provide the keys to the winners as they are found. No double winning either, sorry.
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  12. Here are the results of the drawing:
    • 1st: 58 - 58.
    • 2nd: 51 - 51. GTWGamer
    • 3rd: 73 - 73. WolfThunderblade
    • 4th: 36 - 36.
    • 5th: 61 - 61. penfoldex
    • 6th: 14 - 14.
    • 7th: 85 - 85.
    • 8th: 89 - 89. AmusedStew
    • 9th: 63 - 63. Squizzel_Boy
    5 winners are GTWGamer; WolfThunderblade; penfoldex; AmusedStew; Squizzel_Boy

    I will contact each of you by PM for your Steam account information to send you the DOTA 2 keys. :)
    penfoldex and B4DMAN5IMON like this.