[WORLD RECORD] Longest Distance Travelled In EMC History

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by jayjay2495, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. 15 years old and plays pokemon........................................................ btw i think im 2 days younger then you
  2. Sorry, maybe i was a bit angry, but i hate it when some kid brags
  3. That's his choice, don't insult him about his enjoyments. Unless you want me to go on about the fact you're promoting a well know scam website in you're signature.
  4. :-P
  5. Like you said.. off topic, and it is not a scam. It works and i've tried it.
  6. Pokemon is just another game mate,get over it.. It's just like Minecraft a game made for the enjoyment of people (Mostly kids)
  7. Pokemon is awesome. If you didn't / don't like it... what kind of a childhood did you have? I'm not talking about that newer Black/White/Diamond crap. The original was the best. Second was OK, I enjoyed the third. I'd start playing it anytime. Doesn't mean it's childish, just something to kill time that's fun to me.

    I will always be the very best, like no one ever was. Catching them was my real test. Training them was the day care dude and my cause. I traveled across the land, not really searching but avoiding tall grass so I didn't have to fight. I didn't understand any of these pokemon, like how can a Blastoise MISS WITH SURF?!?! It's a freaking wave.
  8. How did a thread about an EMC record go from that to a thread about hating on pokemon and fake websites?
    penfoldex likes this.
  9. No... Pokemon is scary XD. Why would a famous Professor send a 10 year old kid out there, knowing that the kid (Ash) will die.
  10. Everything leads to pokemon in some way. Off topic + Off topic + more off topic = Pokemon.


    Fake websites? No idea.
    Gap542 likes this.
  11. Pokemen, is amazing?
  12. To those arguing about his "record"... Its fake. Its a photoshopped image. No point in continuing that argument about whether its ok to one up something that never happened.
    To those arguing against pokemon... You are wrong:p
    Gap542 and nfell2009 like this.
  13. Sounds like a "hater" hater. But to prove this as false, I have some proofs: The probability of him getting this for is very low, and there's some evidence. Ninjabee2000 (Who joined in the picture) is logged onto smp1, in a pretty far-out wilderness base. Chances are that he mostly goes to just that server. Based around this, if you go to the coordinates of 34,928z, that's the farthest anyone's yet explored. So there's a point. Also, in the picture he's clearly not within the confines of one block, looks to me more like 1 and 1 half of a block, which wouldn't make it perfectly 200,000 blocks. (Because he is facing south. the direction he ran, he isn't in a full block) So, that's my point. Maybe I'm wrong? Try to prove if I'm wrong, it'd be cool to see.
  14. Scam of my time- completed a survey and it said "you need to visit the website first", or something like that while every form was completed. Wasted 15 minutes with that damn thing.
    fluffinator09 and Gap542 like this.
  15. Scam you say, how many points was it for and giveme your username, i will add that points to your account
  16. Give me points! 4000 please :) Let me find my account....
  17. Look at the smp4 livemap the furthest explored point is me I'm pretty sure I beat you, but anyways congrats.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  18. I remember I tried to do this for some membership somewhere and it didn't worked. I remember I did some surveys.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  19. True. SMP4 is massive! Go SMP4!
  20. you can always kill yourself. that's what i do :D