Wither Not Dying

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by TasteOfTerror, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. Any ideas? It keeps resisting my attacks. Could tnt work?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. It can't hit or see you so it resists the attacks. Give it the ability to hit you and it'll stop resisting.
  3. Turn your difficulty down to 1. with /diff 1
    Equinox_Boss and TasteOfTerror like this.
  4. Clever....I like the idea to go to the Nether to block it's ability to fly high. Yes use loads of TNT light the place up!!!!!
  5. Use a better sword. I use a smite 5 diamond.
    Equinox_Boss and TasteOfTerror like this.
  6. You cannot trap a Wither in bedrock and kill it. You need to fight fair as it were; If it cannot see a way to attack you, you cannot hurt it.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. Wrong if you are on diff 1 with a smite 5 sword you can kill it that one trust me i do it a lot.
    Equinox_Boss and TasteOfTerror like this.
  8. Thanks for responses! I was just curious if something changed because I have done this before. I will try all of the suggestions :)
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. Play some calming music and let it drift to sleep...Then pounce at it like a lion, stabbing it repeatedly with your sword.
  10. Tickle it's butt with a feather until it laughs so hard it just suffocates.
  11. I still think you should nuke it from a distance with lots of TNT. It's the only way to be sure :D
    God_Of_Gods and TasteOfTerror like this.
  12. TNT would slice through the netherrack like butter. Then before you know the precious star is lost to the lava gods...
  13. get obby and nuke the thing to death
    TasteOfTerror likes this.
  14. I made a public Wither kill chamber with a viewing area for those who don't wish to get hurt but wanna see the wither go down. Has been tested and tried. Works like a Charm. I even kill the wither for you and you get the star, provided you bring the skulls needed.

    However I suggest you replace the nether rack with something much stronger. You may have to make it lower to get him out. If you attacked him with a diff higher than 1 switching back to 1 will not work. I kill these things when they are wild and running amok. It takes longer but can be done.
    TasteOfTerror likes this.
  15. I hope it's still there. I haven't been on in a few days :confused:
  16. Let me know I might be able to help ya and you get the star
    TasteOfTerror likes this.
  17. I made a smite sword and whne i came back he was suffocating in the roof. Smite put the icing on the cake and easily killed it! Thanks for everyone's help! :)

    I love how i thought 7 tnt would help me xD
    Merek_Shadower and MajorHaze like this.