Why have so many people been leaving?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Rhyblet, Sep 15, 2012.

  1. hey I updated that the other day :)
    jkjkjk182 and MR2R2M like this.
  2. Oh snap you have too :D Sorry, haven't checked it in a while. But thanks for updating it :) I love reading the update history!
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. I kind of agree with thestar19, It was better when I joined last year in April.
  4. But you are a veteran
  5. How do I get status: Well-Known Mamber????

  6. I've left. I didn't make a big fuss. People come and go. The ones who made big threads just want everyone to be like, "nooo dont go, <3@!@#@#!" a.k.a attention.
  7. Am I?
  8. Yes
  9. There are very few veterans on this forum.
    I am a Combat Veteran.
    Justin is a Veteran.
    Other players are in one of these 2 categories.
    It has nothing to do with their time on EMC either.
    Veteran and Combat Veteran are titles assigned to the 0.001% of the American people who serve their country.
    This distinction also applies to those members of the military who serve their own country but I do not have their percentile of population serving or have served. Some countries have a 100% service rate because it is a requirement of their government.

    In this entire community, the amount of true Veterans or Combat Veterans is a fraction of that 0.001% of the military personnel. We are a vast minority within the community here.

    Misusing the term Veteran upsets me because I made the physical and mental sacrifices to be bestowed the distinction of Combat Veteran.

    In addition, to become a Combat Veteran requires having been in a combat zone, regardless of seeing combat which is controversial among some Service Members.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  10. Or is could also be, school is starting around the world. They are maybe leaving for the year to get back into school area....
    Twitch1 likes this.

  11. I'm sorry you misunderstand the definition of veteran. Combat veteran is rightly yours to hold because of what you say, but exclusivity on the veteran term? no.

       [vet-er-uhn, ve-truhn]
    a person who has had long service or experience in an occupation, office, or the like: a veteran of the police force; a veteran of many sports competitions.
    a person who has served in a military force, especially one who has fought in a war: a Vietnam veteran.

    Most people now use the first possible definition, you are assuming the second definition is the only one that exists. you assume wrongly.

    I am a veteran computer enthusiast, veteran computer technician, and a few other things. One thing I most definitely am not is a military or war or battle veteran, and those that have THAT veteran status deserve our respect and admiration, but not our blind acceptance of anything they say.
    Chascarrillo, Twitch1 and SleepyPK like this.
  12. Valid point. You get it. :)
    I just wanted to point out the one that is a bit more significant.
    Using the term Veteran for EMC is something frowned upon because it creates a divide between the players. We like to keep things simple: Players and Staff. Yes, some players fit the status of "Veteran" but we do not consider them to be such officially. I understand people wanting to show their significance for the time they have spent here but some abuse the term believing that it puts them above other Players.
    It was my fault for not further explaining myself. However, I am not always thinking in all possible angles of a subject and that is where our members like you come in. To provide the additional viewpoints in an intelligible and respectable communication. :)
    Chascarrillo and jaqiefox like this.
  13. I'm still here, lurking and all...
    I was never really one to play in the EMC servers much due to my interests and responsibilities falling elsewhere, but there is one reason why I stuck around (and still do, and I doubt anyone really knows it. Very few do).

    This community is awesome, and I'm willing to pour some of my time to make it better. I'd love to play in the EMC servers more, but I've just been caught up with so much more to do.

    I still REALLY want to make another spotlight, but I know I haven't the time to make one right now.

    So maybe something for the holidays...
    (What? I didn't say that... Don't expect anything on the holidays... Yeah, let's go with that.)

    I still remember when these forums were just starting and there was only one EMC server. :)
    Chascarrillo and Twitch1 like this.