Why are people always ruining waste spawn entrance.

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by RichRayM, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. :rolleyes:
  2. I love wasteland, you can mine with your eyes closed as example.
    The only problem is that people think its funny to make waste spawn entrances hard to access from wasteland. By digging down just at the end of the stairs and make stairs down. The only forget the people with horses and donkey get a hard time then.

    I think the protected zone around spawn points need to be a bit bigger so there's always some land around it.
    So there enough ways to get out in normal way without rope dancing.

    Wilderness (frontier) is not meaned for mining , we have waste for that. I don't like mining in frontier.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. And well, another thing...

    To be very honest with you guys I'd rather see new players learn about the "no griefing" part in the wastelands (lets be honest: if you do build here you do so with the expectation that it can go p00f soon anyway) than, say, Frontier.
    Palmsugar likes this.
  4. you can mine in the wild, you do know that correct? its just not meant to be used solely as a resource area.
  5. I know i can mine. but not like it. i did in the begin. But wasteland much better for it
  6. you see this is precisely my point tho, it is better for it. do you know why? because you can walk of spawn and go in one direction, which is exactly what you are complaining about.
  7. I think his point was more along the line of wanting a half decent path off of spawn. It's polite to keep the road in good condition and mine to the left or right just a little so that people can get past.
  8. I certainly hope you're not saying "they'll just do something else we don't like so why bother?"

    The point of keeping the transit areas of the waste navigable is that everyone can navigate them. So bridges and stairs are off limits. in my opinion. So is digging out everything immediately around spawn to prevent others from using it. These things are in violation of the rules. And frankly they're ethically wrong, self evidently so to me.

    What I don't think people are saying is "stop other from making a fractured landscape near spawn in the wastes." This will happen. In fact it's pretty much what the wastes are there for. Griefing structures is forbidden. On entering the wastes we're reminded of this. So I'm all in favor of a) prevention first b) reprimand second. Those who absolutely refuse to follow the griefing rules should be ejected from the server never to be allowed to return.

    And to the griefers I'd like to say: This isn't any one players server. We all share it. Some of us pay for the honor. Let's remember that and conduct ourselves accordingly.
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  9. I think his point was also that player structures, such as bridges, are often in such a state of disrepair so as to be unusable for their intended purpose, especially when on a horse or donkey. Since it's damage to player structures, even after repairing, that persists, it seems we have a) irresponsible players (not repairing after creepers) or b) intentional damage, AKA griefing.

    I've proposed a way of handling both. Build the bridge/road out of uncommon slabs. Creepers can't damage slabs on EMC. So any damage was done directly by a player. This is reportable as griefing.