Whoppa Drop Party everything i Own

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by MeowMeowo, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. I partially agree with xI_LIKE_A_PIGx. This is false, I was there and got nothing. 90% of people got nothing, simply because of poor setup (sorry for being negative). Only 5 people got items because like Piggeh said, you had droppers right on the wall where people could simply stand there. At this point it's only a matter of PID (which means whoever has the best internet, the one who can send/recieve packets to the server the fastest would get the items, which would be the 5 people). I still think it was very nice of you to go a giveaway and I'd like to thank you for it, just giving you advice that next time you should try a setup where everyone has a fair chance ;)
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  2. I agree.I wasn't there but I saw the system.I recommend having items in a large set of droppers covering the ceiling.
  3. Ok then if you think you can make it better Haro how about you make mine better if you think it could be improved

    And Sorry for everyone who hated it and everyone who got the all my stuff i own
  4. I think I can make a better one.I just need loads of droppers,quite a lot of redstone and a toggle able redstone clock.
  5. I am making one underground now
  6. Just make the roof out of droppers and wire them all up to a redstone clock.
    And I'm thinking about making a 14x14 drop party room underground on my res.
    If you want me to build one,I can do it for free if you provide stuff.
  7. Well, I have experiences in constructing drop parties. Just check out LZBZ_DW's residence. I helped construct that. I've made tons of other ones.
  8. But I have lots of redstone experience.And it's easy to make a fair drop party room.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  9. You should see the ones I've constructed.
  10. I haven't.What do yours have in them anyway?
  11. I've noticed a few things recently about drop parties that have been bothering me. Nothing against you KJHadderell or anyone else. It has more to do with game mechanics, but I think it also plays a part in some of the unhappiness that these seem to bring out.

    I noticed at both this and Deathtomb's party that Hoppers and/or Droppers were used. It is convenient to the people running it but the Hoppers collect the items together.

    At KJHaddrell's party, he had Chests going into Hoppers then into Dispensers. Once the items hit the Dispensers they should have been spitting out items randomly but they weren't most of the time. I think what happened there was that initially all the Dispensers were full, then because the items were removed from the Dispensers randomly, the slots all started running out at once and as this happened the Hoppers could only load one item type at a time. So we ended up with a Dispenser that maybe only had one or two types of items and there no longer seemed to be any randomness.

    I never got a chance to see how Deathtomb was set up but it seemed like the same thing would come out of the Droppers for a while then something else for a while and so on. I think something similar was happening there too.

    One thing I thought went on at KJHadderell's that may not have been fair was the Horse riders. I can't say sitting higher helped in that case. Maybe there is an advantage and maybe not, but there was something else.

    Initially the Horse riders sat back farther but at one point a few of them moved right in front of the Dispenser I was at and I'm pretty sure they pushed me out. I would move back and they seemed to make me pop back out again. You know how you can nudge cows and other animals? I haven't tried testing it yet, but it seems like if someone is on a horse, they can nudge you out of the way but you can't nudge them back. Has anyone noticed this? If this is the case they have an unfair advantage.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and sonicol1 like this.