Whoppa Drop Party everything i Own

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by MeowMeowo, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. 2 and a Half hours to go cant wait
  2. There are going to be 15 Double chest of stuff 2 DC of enchanted books So much stuff
    2 hours to go
  3. 1 hour until it starts Start getting ready to get there
  4. Half and hour to go to the Amazing Whoppa Drop Party Last Call
  5. I'm coming to it.
    I hope
  6. Getting hyped up! 2013-09-02_19.53.24.png 2013-09-02_19.53.40.png 2013-09-02_19.53.42.png
  7. can people who are supporters leave? so us non supporters can get in?
  8. Please supporters leave for a minute!
  9. I cant get in.....
  10. I can't believe it.SMP 9 is over the limit.
  11. Did it begin yet? Because I have a feeling I won't be able to get in anyway...
    Sweetie_Pea likes this.
  12. its on now
  13. Crap I missed it
  14. I could have gone if SMP9 wasn't over the limit.
  15. Well I was there for just a few minutes, and to me only like 5 people were getting everything. :\
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and FDNY21 like this.
  16. I left early because nobody was getting anything except for 5 people, who were hogging. I suggest next time to spread the droppers out more
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  17. Whenever I hold one,please remind me to make the roof out of droppers with the items so that everyone has a chance.
  18. Sorry for people that couldnt join if you kept in you still would of got stuff everyone who was there got stuff
  19. It was a poor set up. I hate to be the negative one, but it's true. Only 5 people were getting anything, I couldn't even see items dropping on the floor. You should've had more droppers and made a bigger drop room, and then put the droppers up high so nobody would hog like what happened. Thanks for giving the free stuff, to basically only 5 people.
    talukegord, xHaro_Der and Rainier6 like this.
  20. Due to that for my Year On EMC i am making a underground Drop Party Floor with loads of dropper and automatic so no worries for that and it will be in the air
    Rainier6 and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.