The very first console I had was an Xbox 360. I was probably six or seven at the time and my first game was COD Because of this, my first ever username was CODRays2001 (Rays being a local sports team). Anyways, that name stuck around until that console broke. I got a newer version of the 360 and got the username SnipeSGaming with every kid's ambition to be like that YouTube star or whatever. That name has stuck with me ever since, although I would prefer to take off the Gaming part and just use SnipeS now. SnipeSGaming is also my battletag on During these past few years, I've gone through games such as (in the slightest bit of chronological order) Roblox, Warframe, TF2, etc. all using the username SnipeSGaming and/or rays2001. Right now, I enjoy playing Minecraft and Overwatch the most. My MC username, K_Kick, is a cleaned up, more "professional" version of my old account's username, karatekick2001. I would change my MC username to SnipeS, but I fear some people might recognize me even less than before
I went by theaustinx for a while, since my trademark theaustin was taken. (My name is Austin.) It's not the same with the X, so I changed it to something based on my all-time favorite video game series ever, Ratchet and Clank. It's spanned over 13 some odd years, and I've played every game in the series since I was 6 or 7. I'm currently playing Into the Nexus. IF YOU SPOIL THE END OF INTO THE NEXUS I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL KILL YOU. seriously please don't spoil it Before my PS2, I had a Nintendo 64 (that I still have, still works!) that I used for games. // Funny side story, I got a PS2 about 10 years ago because the original N64 I had broke. I also had the Oddworld series and I loved the Spyro series (wonderful days of backwards compatibility) Ratchet and Clank for the PS4 is currently my next game. Triple A titles are getting less and less appealing to me.
started as ryrythecoolguy in neopets, then i went to runningrhino in club penguin and have kept that for almost 10 years now
Past names? Oh lordy. These are all the online aliases I've ever used (excluding ones that have my name in them, of course) Qwerty189 13Phoenixes TheBeaconKing Rhythmical Rhythmically Defne_b_ded Dufne Rhyblet Rhynub DufneIsANub FacepalmRhy DufnePoodle Duflet Duckne Doofnkfofkort Doorfne Rhythmicaly Rhythmicallly
Everyone with these sick stories while I went from a misclick when trying to type my full name to my first name last initial...
On minecraft, I've been crazyminerpete Jellyfish_Cannon frostyminerpete (at Christmas) PetezzaDawg --------- Alt --------- CMinc CMInc CM_Inc PDInc_ ------------- Second alt ------------- EmpireCM DonaldToade PeteIsAfk SantaIsAfk (at Christmas) OhBoy3am I'm not going to bother listing my other names since some of them are pretty awful names.
Lol, that is what I evolved to eventually or something along those lines anyway! I guess you are just ahead of the "name" curve. Well just saw this one the first time either last night or this morning, can't recall which... ...liked it a lot!
Anyone else care to share? Been some fun reading these and so far NO ONE I know from either WoW or past FPS online game play. Note that I was not in XBOX Live nor PSN as those came out way to far for me to be a console guy...
SoulPunisher -> CocoaPanda -> Zombiescopez510 -> [few years where I just wrote something random for a username] -> CyanideOnToast -> synth_apparition/sometimes Didactism