Who can make a good/anime style version of my player character

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Buildershed, Mar 31, 2018.

  1. ok, I want an anime style of my character as my avatar on this website and others.
    I got a picture of my Minecraft Player right here.
  2. If you still haven't found anybody, I'm willing to try! I don't really draw in an anime style, but it's worth an attempt. =)
    607 likes this.
  3. First try drawing in this style. I did a little research before drawing it by looking at anime characters, and observing details found in them. This turned out to be a lot of fun to draw, so thanks for helping me step a bit out of my comfort zone. =)
    Here it is!:
  4. Very nice!! :o
    MoreMoople and FadedMartian0 like this.
  5. Bootyfull Moops as always! :)
    MoreMoople and 607 like this.
  6. I like this one but it doesn't fully match up with what I think of my self looking in an anime style in my head.

    You can recreate using some of my clues.

    -Aether FOundation
    -Waving hair
    -Yellow Sunglasses
  7. I think you're forgetting something: you haven't thanked her yet. ;)
    TomvanWijnen and MoreMoople like this.