Which is better?

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by MichaelPiccolo, Sep 19, 2013.


Which is better?

Poll closed Oct 3, 2013.
Mega Mall 11 vote(s) 32.4%
Medium Sized Store with lots of stock 23 vote(s) 67.6%
  1. Yeah something maybe with aisles... Any ideas in design?
  2. Well you'd better start with a medium shop, and if you can manage it easily, you can jump to a mega mall. 4440 used to sell all the items and it was almost always stocked; but I started with a super-cheap wood only shop :D
  3. I am making a kinda jenga-style quartz & glass tower, depends on what you like
  4. 601 is a good example. Check it out.
  5. When you figured out what to do, post the residence you built it on, I would like to check it out, and when it's good, I'll ad it to the shop list:)
  6. ask some of the people who have closed mega malls, alot will tell you that keeping in stock is such a hassle. mediumsized allows you to focus on things you WANT to sell and not things you HAVE to sell to have a "megamall"
  7. I'm sorry if I am mostly out of stock on diamonds. I'm stocking this weekend so I'll be getting some diamonds. It's just when I do get them instock, somebody automatically buys them all and I do feel bad for other customers who are too late to get some diamonds from me.
  8. Mega mall by far. Just don't put it on SMP1, and you'll be fine.
  9. bump more opinions and design ideas :)
  10. Go for a mini mall. People will get to know it, and it will be easy to stock. Mega malls are a pain to keep stocked and just add stress to you.
  11. Any design ideas for one?
  12. i can help out with a design... ill go make one right now then send u a pic
    *EDIT- do u want a more modern look or one that will be more medieval?
    flamingpotato42 likes this.
  13. Hm
    hmm send me both! Im not sure right now. :) put it in the skin pm. :)
  14. I actually really like that :) it's nice and simple, but looks great.
    I might use that :p