Which favorite feedback peeps want most?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by aletrisrex, Apr 30, 2022.

  1. It's just a poll. Write your favorite feedback to emc gained most here.
  2. You mean a suggestion that was made but hasn't been implemented? Should/can it be one that has been archived?
    W1therRex likes this.
  3. yep. suggestion liked most but never completed
  4. Does fixing search count? :D
    Probably not.
    I can't think of anything else, to be honest! :) I like EMC a lot as it is! I even went through some of the already suggested ideas, and I saw nothing that made me think "Oh, I'd like that!".
  5. I’d still like the ability to be a Redstone supporter. $1 a month and the only perk is the red name tag.
    607 likes this.