Whats your background?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Pretty awesome huh? I go to their homecoming airshow every year :p
  2. Just updated mine.

    Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, David Glimour, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright.

    *Not in that order.*
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  3. i dont remember, i was like 6 but i remember some dude destroying his plane
  4. My wallpaper!

    It's in my native Antarctica. Sorry I didn't have a larger version.
  5. Sorry to bump this thread but I want to restart it without me creating another "What's your background?" thread. Also, as you can see I added a new wallpaper which is an awesome render of a section of an awesome outpost.

    Bridge (Final).png
    607, Kephras and Sunny_Chicken like this.

  6. Updated to this (This may take a while to load for slower connections).

    Leopard_Knight likes this.
  7. I love backgrounds and pc setups. I use em in a slideshow, as I have about 4k pics. At the moment this is the one. 2, 21' monitors

    technologygeek, 607, FDNY21 and 3 others like this.
  8. Do you have a version for single-monitor users?

    I swear I have seen that exact image somewhere. What is it from?
  9. No idea, gimme some time , and ill check it out.
  10. Recently changed :p

    In love with Stupid Fox atm xD
  11. Moew?
    607 likes this.

  12. Yeah.... this is what happens when you play minecraft to long....
    Edit: It didn't work! :(
  13. This.
    607 likes this.
  14. ~_~
  15. Hmmm?
  16. Sexy ~_~
  17. Got a few, slideshow every few seconds.
    1b9aeb22-e0e1-4a08-bfbf-a481e006459b.jpg 7dd04a31-46a8-48b3-aa29-89186a24eeb1.jpg 9d27d013-05ef-4395-9afc-3c84886ad930.jpg c15417da-c16f-4939-9fde-3bb4cb6efddb.jpg db41b78f-bae2-441e-b6aa-6b77c6275abc.jpg e72b90c6-2c80-48ed-82f7-f7e3ea8b8f51.jpg
    Palmsugar likes this.
  18. I made this one myself using a screenshot of my start screen. Screenshot (7).png
    Nilex92, AliceF3 and Palmsugar like this.
  19. 607 and Palmsugar like this.