What to do when you are bored on Empire?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by PieM_, Jan 19, 2013.


Which one is better: Diamond Sword or Infinity Bow

Infinity Bow 22 vote(s) 75.9%
Diamond Sword 7 vote(s) 24.1%
  1. I like to go to a server I don't play on much. Empty my inventory completely then head out into the wild, at day break, for an adventure. Starting from scratch.
    NINJATTILA and Bugmo1207 like this.
  2. What exactly do you mean by 'bored on Empire'? How is that even possible?
  3. When you are like: Okay, I should try something new for a change.

    And when im bored, I fight an iron golem for a change.
  4. I have to much on my to-do list to get bored. Lol

    But in all seriousness, when I don't want to work on my Massive list of projects- I just log onto servers and start chatting with people- and check out what they have built and stuff
  5. When im bored i rearrange my storage room on my res
  6. Not to double post or anything, but I think Aikar did a better job then killing pigs then I did today.
  7. I burn cows to death on my single player world. I slaughter piggies. I train my chicken army. I ride my mighty steed (who is a pig attracted to a carrot on a stick...) around the Jungle I live in....
    Or I just play some PvP on LAN with my brother (things like super craft. bros, Death Sentence Arena etc.)
    NINJATTILA and mba2012 like this.
  8. Slaughter the enemy team on battlefield 3 or conquer dragon sights in Skyrim.
  9. Happy Wheels....
    southpark347 likes this.
  10. Eat rocks, apparently thats what PandasEatramen does when she is bored <.<
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  11. I just jump around random people's residences or go to the nether and "Fall" in lava :D
  12. Play skyrim, borderlands 2, In Nu Kuni wrath of the white witch < awesome game its a must buy or start deep conversion on any smp about Potatos. Outside of gaming study for my classes and work on my car
    southpark347 and Curundu like this.
  13. Go into the nether with a powerful bow and kill ghasts until I die.