What Should My Shop Be Made Of?

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by zh88, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. cobble and glass panes
  2. This is the sandstone with smooth sandstone checkers

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  3. Different types of blocks. Example, For mineral floor, you could have mineral blocks, etc :)
  4. That looks really neat! :D
    I suggest making a really COLORFUL shop made out of all different type of wool! You can make a really colorful rainbow wool pattern. That would be neat!
    porphos likes this.
  5. you of all people would post that!:D:p
    Sweetie_Pea likes this.
  6. Beacons.
    As your shop becomes more successful, you can buy more beacons, to expand your shop.
    It doesn't have to be all beacons, but the goal should be to amass as many beacons as possible.
    Become a beacon collector. See if you can outdo qwerty. Good luck :)
  7. Use variety of types of stone, oak/spruce logs, and quartz ;P
  8. Something like this?

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  9. Here is some stained clay

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  10. Smooth sandstone, quartz and/or nether brick

    I personally like quartz plus smooth sandstone. :D
  11. I think ill try this 2013-09-24_16.53.23.png
  12. Actually, try replacing the sandstone with creeper sandstone.
    See if that works better.
  13. Ok
  14. Hows this 2013-09-24_17.47.05.png
    FDNY21 likes this.
  15. Why not quartz and smooth sandstone?
  16. Maybe. It's your call.
    I still think you should use beacons, not sandstone.
  17. I might but idk if I can get as much quartz I'm going to need
  18. I like the creeper sandstone and smooth. I like patterns ^_^ ~FDNY21
  19. Screen Shot 2013-09-24 at 6.55.19 PM.png I'm thinking nick style. MELONS