What should I do with this?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ShyguytheGamer1, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. What should I do with my gold supporter voucher other than use it on myself? Let the hell begin!
  2. Sell it to me? Auction it? Give it to me? :D
    607, ChespinLover77 and ShelLuser like this.
  3. Feed it to a llama. It will then become the Mystic Golden Llama and grant you 1d3 wishes.

    Or y'know, it might just try to bulldoze your village for selfish reasons.
  4. Try to rename it in an anvil to "Diamond" and hope that Krysyy won't attack you with (red) dragon breath to burn you when you try to redeem it :D
    RaiinNL, 607, ChespinLover77 and 2 others like this.
  5. Hmm idk mange sell it to this guy. :D 40k ;D jk
  6. Give it away or maybe /trashsoulbound, record while trashing it, and upload it to youtube
    ShelLuser and FluffeMarshmallo like this.
  7. Okokok.
    1. Marriage fish
    2. Smp8 frontier chapel
    3. Get someone to marry you to your voucher.

    This is the only acceptable use for your unwanted voucher.
  8. put it in a dispenser, put a button on the dispenser, put the dispenser over lava, click the button
  9. I think you should fill your residence with TNT, then using a dispenser place the gold voucher on the ground at the very core of this weapon of mass destruction you have created, then scream fire in the hole all caps in town chat and light it up.