What scares you the most? (Horror related)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Otus_NigRum, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. The bodies were on the deck afterwards
  2. Honestly, nothing really.

    The scariest thing I've ever seen in a movie is the tall man scene in It Follows. The main character sees 'it' in her downstairs bathroom and runs away upstairs, screaming, as it comes towards her. Her friends open the door she locks behind her and one is stood in the doorframe, when 'it' appears behind her - it's changed shape, though, and is a skinny tall man standing at around 7'0 who has to duck when walking through the doorway. It moves faster and almost catches her as she throws herself out of the window. I don't know why, but there's just something so unnerving about that scene that messed me up for about five minutes after I saw it.

    I thought It, the 2017 one, was unintentionally hilarious when it was trying to be scary, even though all my friends and family told me it was the scariest thing they'd ever watched.

    The fact I'm pretty sure I've lived with a ghost my entire life probably helps.

    The only thing I properly fear are wasps. I hate them. If one gets in my room through a window I physically can't bring myself to go back in the room. The only time I've ever been able to face one and kill it is when one got in my bedroom at 4AM during the summer two years ago - nobody could get it out for me so I had to do it myself if I wanted to sleep. It took me an hour to work up the courage to do it and every second being alive in the same room as it brought me closer to a panic attack.

    Why am I so afraid of these things? When I was a little boy, I went with my grandparents to our town in Wales. They bought me and my siblings a Burger King (my first one ever, we didn't have one in my hometown back in England back in 2006). As we got back into our car, a wasp flew on my face and stung me for no reason - that thing hurt. About a year later, I was out with my friend in his back garden and we got something stuck in a tree behind his house. I climbed said tree to retrieve said item and got stuck. As he got help, three wasps started crawling on me - one on my T-Shirt, one on my leg, and one on my face. I started screaming and crying, remembering the incident from the previous year - a man ran out of his house and helped me down, thinking I must have been dying or something, probably. The third incident was when my friend threw a brick at a wasp's nest, and I was stung four times on my face and twice on my arm. The fourth incident was when I walked past a wasp's nest in a bush behind one of my friend's house, and got stung on the neck.

    Apparently that was enough to give my weirdly-unphased-by-anything brain a phobia. I've held tarantulas, had snakes on my neck, been bitten by a hamster, kicked in the face by a rabbit, bitten by a goat, thrown off a horse, but getting stung by wasps eight times is what puts me over the edge.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  3. While doing an odd job with my father removing a tree that had fallen on a church's playground, I was on the other side of the fence throwing the wood into the ditch when I felt a sharp sting in my leg. I looked down to my horror and saw hornets all over my leg and flying all around me. Needless to say I jumped the fence which was actually quite tall really fast from my adrenaline rush and I ran around swatting my body hoping to get the hornets off of me. Yep, I uncovered a hornets nest, and they did not like it at all, neither did I.