What mob do you hate most?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by lameidl, Feb 14, 2013.


Which boss is worse?

Wither 27 vote(s) 49.1%
Enderdragon 28 vote(s) 50.9%
  1. Endermen, they won't stand still and let me murder them.
  2. Definitely not a chicken.
  3. Not a single mob annoys me more than the other. They should all be equally burned in lava and killed in grinders.
  4. Grinders... No fair, I kill them with a bow and a sword.
  5. Cheers to that. Spiders are the most obnoxious little buggers. And they have a penchant for dropping on my head.
  6. Ugh, aren't those darn pigs the worst, that stubby ugly nose. They don't even give us their yummeh bacon.
    penfoldex, pat2011 and rock00888 like this.
  7. so i couldnt just hit you with my sword and eat your insides? then i hate piggehs :mad:
    SILVERMAN2 likes this.
  8. It's a hard question.
    • Wither effect
    • Constant firing
    • Impossible to hit
    • Immune to bow attacks
    • Destroy everything
    • Annoying
    • Crystals to shoot down
    • Impossible to hit
    • Attacks are weak against them
    • Destroy everything
    • High amount of knock back
    • Annoying
    • Hard to hit
    • Fly in impossible to follow patterns
    • Destroy everything
    • Life regenerates
    Well, yeah. They're really annoying.
  9. They're one of the few mobs that I've ever been killed by, and it was like three times in a row....it was terrible.
    Enzler likes this.
  10. Spiders, especially of the cave variety.
  11. i hate every mob in the nether
  12. Witches. No one mentioned them.
    They have range, poison, they can use potions for their own benefits and they are somewhat hard to kill.
    When I'm playing Mob Arenas, they are, for me the worst mob.
    WeirdManaico likes this.
  13. The mob I hate the most is chickens. they just stand there all chickeny and stuff and they lay eggs. Also, they like to jump on what you are building.
  14. pugs are annoying, except for Kung-Fu Piggy.
  15. When you encounter them in huts its only one so they are easy.
  16. bats, man they creep me out sometimes
  17. All mobs for me. I just get kill by looking at them. But the worst one is the skeleton most because it has arrows
  18. In Easy difficulty I got killed a lot by Skeletons and Creepers, We're now in Normal difficulty and I'm afraid to go to the wild. I die every step I take.

    Wait?, are we even in Normal right now?. If no, I'm getting pretty bad at fighting mobs. That's bad. :(
  19. I'm building a nether farm. Totally ghasts.
  20. PUGS are nice, I ate Kung-Fu Piggy for breakfast, he was tasty
    Once, 12 cave spiders all fell onto my head, on Hardcore, bet you can't guess what happened next