What is the highest number of alerts you've had?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by iRupees, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. I've had a maximum of 22 alerts at one point. Nobody ever PM's me though.
    1. Please don't double post.
    2. It's not a competition.
    Bayymaxx and KJHaddrell01 like this.
  2. ik.
  3. 5 alerts so far :(
    Keliris and Erektus like this.
  4. Theres 4.
  5. 30, like raids are common...
  6. Make that 6:D
  7. Maybe 40 or something :)
  8. 516 alerts 12 inbox
  9. 917 alerts, sadly not recorded.
  10. Mine is 223 (Haven't checked my forum game for a while)
  11. I have never really been like raided. My first account might have had like 20 at most at one point.
    Penguinub likes this.
  12. You were saying?

    Also, you need to post more.
    CadenMann likes this.
  13. I know I do.
    59 highest now.
    Penguinub and CadenMann like this.