What do you have planned this Spring (or Autumn if you live in the Southern Hemisphere)?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by We3_MPO, Feb 20, 2018.

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  1. WOO I DID THAT FOR AN HOUR... and then it got interrupted.... And then school started.... and then a storm so yeah, summer break?
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  2. Summer break doesn't start until May/June for the Northern Hemisphere, or November/December for the Southern Hemisphere. The / is to indicate that it my vary by year and/or jurisdiction. Plus, June (Northern Hemisphere) and December (Southern Hemisphere) isn't even Spring anymore, unless your area has long seasonal lags like California and many ocean islands do, and/or is in a chillier climate like most of Canada or Norway.
  3. ... I know, W3... thanks... "so yeah, summer break?" means "Can summer break come any sooner, please?"... *cough* it's a plea for summer to hurry up XD I know it ain't here yet...
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