What did you find or put in your timecapsule?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Jan 2, 2017.


The time capsule event...

Poll closed Jan 16, 2017.
Is something I want to go to every year! 1 vote(s) 100.0%
Is ok I guess, it's just not for me. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Is best stopped sometimes soon (shared reason would be appreciated!) 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Other (please leave a comment below!) 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Hi gang!

    As you may know the Timecapsule 2017 event is in full throttle and us players have until upcoming Saturday (7th of January) to decide what to put in our chest before the vault will be sealed off by ancient magic for another whole year to come (well, ok, technically a few days shorter than one whole year ;)).

    Do you care to share what was in yours? I suppose you can also share what you put in it for this year, but it might be more fun to keep things a bit of a secret. But... As a forum veteran trust me when I say that I seriously doubt that this thread will last a whole year. In a few months time it's most likely somewhere buried in the past and most of us will have forgotten all about it.

    My chest

    My chest contained some seriously personal stuff which made me feel rather uneasy when I opened it up. I know I'm vague here, if you want you can read the full story in the spoiler. Just be warned though: personal often means just that, and not everyone may like reading that. But I never backed down from difficult subjects, and I sure as heck am not going to start now.

    Next I found a full 100,000 player set in my chest. The armor, the tools, and an ava launcher. Oh, and I found 3 stacks of enchanted golden apples, which totally took me by surprise! :D

    And finally I found 2 heads from some weird players (thinking back I should have dropped them during the event, but that's for next year! (I'll add a reminder in a few moments :D)) and several books, including my plans for a confession :) Or, as I put it myself: "My chest contains traces of my best kept secret on EMC :)".

    And this year? Aya & me decided to keep the armor in the chest. We don't need the money and who knows how much it might be worth next year. I also decided to keep a log, so a new book with some impressions about the chest contents added each year. Next I left some eggs as a reminded of Chickeneers funny chicken invasion, some items I won through events and... some items which players gave me and which mean that little bit extra to me :)

    Do you want to share?

    My chest made me feel seriously uneasy. But that's what you get if you dump somewhat emotional stuff in here, and then open it after you enjoyed a few glasses of wine.

    A few weeks ago Krysyy posted a thread about depression. I'll admit that I made a few sharp(er) remarks in there, but if you read those: do you honestly think that I did so just for fun? If you did then you aught to know better. Some of that stuff seriously hit me again when I opened my capsule this weekend.

    I'm not going into too specific details because I have this policy of mine which forbids me from sharing private stuff. I keep things private, sometimes to extremes. That policy earned me some serious trust from two players who no longer play. A mother and her daughter. The mother lived in England, the daughter in the US. And she had a bit of a problem, but fortunately also realized as much herself. She had help in case you're wondering or are suddenly worried.

    One small side step here: I've been specifically present on "Internet media" (talkd, IRC, IM, etc.) since 1987 or so. I've also had my shares of Internet trolls who got me seriously confused and where I wondered "is that real or....". I don't claim to have seen it all or to know everything, but generally speaking I usually recognize the truth easily enough when players come up with fake stories. That is: not so much the truth, but more so the sense that something isn't fully right.

    Let's just say that I never had this feeling around these two. And trust me: when things became a little more personal I'm also more easily expressing myself. At one time the subject of real or fake also came up in a few conversations. But... that is most definitely private.

    Why I'm bringing this up? Simple. The girl had a problem, she knew it, her mother knew it and they were dealing with it. Most players who met her in-game will most likely remember her as a friendly yet somewhat distant player. She definitely kept her distance.

    You guys on the forums on the other hand will most likely remember her as a little obnoxious, ungrateful, overreacting and a bit of a weird person. Oh, and probably a drama queen too. And no, in case you're wondering: I am most definitely not talking about HelloKittyRo. Also keep in mind that this was a one time incident. It wasn't something which got dragged on. Most of you will probably have forgotten all about it.

    Wondering what the point here is? Well, this time there is none. Just sharing a story so that you can make up your own mind about it.

    And in case you're wondering about my privacy rule: You may think you know something, but trust me: you probably know less than you think. Thing is: I know (and have known) quite a fair share of players on the Empire. And here I'm only talking about 2 of them, a mother and a daughter. And you do realize that lots of families play on the Empire, right? :)

    Thanks for reading.

    So yeah :)
    TomvanWijnen likes this.