[LOCKED] What are your goals in EMC?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Tuqueque, Aug 9, 2015.

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  1. Currently, my goal is to get an avalauncher.
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  2. Yes I know this is an old post, but why not quote it anyway?
    If you cut off your arms, how do you type?
    I am confused because if you type with your face it looks like this.
    Fjdjsudh dhafegd bxbfjtidjxsbsgsh
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. My one and only goal is to marry every single person on EMC.

    You will be mine . . .
  4. I have one wife and one wife only, f_Builder_s :rolleyes:
  5. My wife now.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. Ill bump this thread monthly so more people can share their goals and people remember to update them!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. Goals: Key: Green: Accomplished - Yellow: On my way there. - Red: Future goal
    Get 100k
    Get 500k
    Get 1mil
    Get 1.5mil
    Get 2mil
    Get 5mil
    Iron Supporter
    Gold Supporter
    Diamond Supporter
    Join the EMC build team
    Get diamond supporter 5x
    Get a book of colours
    Get Super dragon poop!

    Get an ore buster
    Get a dragon egg
    Get an original dragon egg

    Many, many more. :)
    Equinox_Boss, Vizsco and Tuqueque like this.
  8. I'm waiting :D

    I got one or two goals:
    Contribute to society by building something useful for the whole community on my residence.

    Join staff team, moderator, contribution team (If I will be able to join, basically I want to help others. I can help other players either way)
  9. <slowly backs away> :D

    look, its a flying zombie! :p
  10. Me next. Mail me the fish. NAO.
    Equinox_Boss and BurgerKnight like this.
  11. late January bump sorry!
    Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
  12. Well that was from back in August. Here's the update!
    1. We did the Gold Farm, and we're doing Fell instead of expanding Pep's farm. We also finished making the Wild N rails nicer. The Wild South rail still needs to be finished, but we started it. No one has found a blaze spawner near an outpost for a public blaze farm, and I think the Scream Machine might be a pipe dream. That build is a ton of work, and it would need to be heavily tweaked for 1.9.
    2. One res done, one in progress, and two still to do.
    3. I suck. Totally still not done and I need to do these.
    4. Still sucking.
    5. MrCDub did this at new outpost. My old one at Scharb's works, just not as well as I would like.
    6. I have not been to TI since September. I think I am the only person out there these days. Will someday return to it because it is a really pretty area :)
    Equinox_Boss, ShelLuser and Tuqueque like this.
    • Economic goals:
    1. Reach 4 million without any donations
    2. Start my alt as a bank account after getting 4 million
    3. Start up my nether store
    • Far-Future Goals/Misc:
    1. Finish my outpost
    2. Start an outpost for people to enjoy
    3. make a blaze farm
    4. make a wither farm
    5. become staff
    6. Redo my 4 lots on 8
    7. redo my other lots
    8. marry all the staff I havent tied down yet(mwahahhaha comin for you dwight & koalafied)
    • Item Goals:
    1. An actual boulder head ( I have pebble <3)
    2. A skeleton horse ( coooome on 1.9)
    3. A dragon egg
    • Color key:
    1. Done
    2. in progress
    3. will always be in progress
    4. abandoned
    5. not yet done, not planning to make it in the near future
    Equinox_Boss, ShelLuser and Tuqueque like this.
  13. Emc Goals:
    Yes... that is all...
    Equinox_Boss, ShelLuser and Tuqueque like this.
  14. Goals:

    Non-EMC goals:
    Finish a game if I finish a coding project
    Release game on kickstarter if I can
    Not die
    Finish Undertale
    Finally, get through 2016 with 1,311.46 USD.

    EMC goals-
    1 year
    finish 1st res building (not started)
    Complete the music changing texture pack
    Create a video for EMC, introducing it :p
    Equinox_Boss and Tuqueque like this.
  15. Ill bump this thread monthly so more people can share their goals and people remember to update them!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. Money goals...
    -get 1 mill - finished
    -get 10 mill - finished

    Item goal...
    -get a dragon egg
    -get an original crystal

    Build goals....
    -finish my builds - half finished

    Misc goals.....
    -inspire others on emc... you decide
  17. Mind building this to go along with it? ;)
  18. assuming i get so far id be unit 0 first ^.^
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
    • how did that go? (or how are you doing it now?)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
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