what are the correct desalniettemin times for items of death players

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by daanhu, May 25, 2024.

  1. i dit tink like 20 minutes but mine depawned after 5
    i have the idea it shut be longer than 5 minutes becouse it would couse way Les tres to find your items back
  2. We had a similar discussion in this thread in April. No solutions, but you may want to read it if you haven't already.
  3. I haven't had the time to look into the reported issues in that thread. It is on my todo list.
    Obviously something isn't behaving as you expect it to.

    I can't write a wall of text that magically investigates, debugs, and fixes problems. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Spyrovsgnorg likes this.
  4. idea we migt want to start growing chickeneers in a lab so we have more coders
    triphora and KatydidBuild like this.
  5. dit is not a word :confused: As we have chatted about before,
    please DID your answers in the form of a did or didn't or did not.
  6. I love the autocorrect in the title. :D desalniettemin is a great word! (For those who don't know Dutch, it means nevertheless).
    NuclearBobomb and triphora like this.
  7. okay... I was really wondering over that one.:oops:
    Joy_the_Miner, farmerguyson and 607 like this.
  8. oof my englis spelling is so wrong i just go back to duchts with out knowing

    i [did][katy] type that on a phone so yes i have been autocorrected
  9. Note. That a fix for this should be pending the next update.

    Obviously, if it isn't fixed afterwards - be sure to report it to me