Welcome Aikar and Maxarias to Admin

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. I was just wondering.... She doesn't get on smp2 often so I don't see her on ever.
  2. She is vanished, when she is completely gone, the only way to know she is there is if she talks through Square.
  3. I believe /who still works for vanished mods. At least it used to:p
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. Ask Jack :p
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  5. Happy for you:D but I feel bad for Shaun :(
  6. I think there is two different ways to vanish, when she does MA she is gone the only way to see here is if she talks. =]
  7. He has Bigdavie to keep him company now :)
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  8. Ok. She never talks at al though.... That's why I didn't know.
  9. Every way of detection was patched up - /who used to show, then that was fixed (along with /p).

    Spam /telling them worked for a bit, but not they just appear as offline.

    So yeah, they're fairly hard to detect.
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. The list on the site?
  11. Runs off the same thing as /who I think. Even if it isn't, they don't show up.
  12. Her method of saying hi is:

    porphos, Olaf_C, mba2012 and 10 others like this.
  13. Congrats! May a swarm of happiness find you two by days end!
  14. Your color codes were wrong, so I fixed them.
    Your ban message is wrong, too. I didn't fix it.

    Honestly, if you couldn't code... [I am obviously kidding.]
    mba2012, L0tad, penfoldex and 8 others like this.
  15. That makes sense. Shaun probably has a smooth Aussie accent. It all makes perfect sense now.
    mba2012 and bonzd67 like this.
  16. Congrats guys! I knew you both since, when, 1.8.1? (*sigh* Oh, 1.8.1...) Aikar, you always helped us out in our time of need, and Max, you're always there when anyone needs you! You guys are awesome, keep up your awesomeness, or I'ma comin' for you both... Hahah, kidding, or am I? ( o_o)
  17. Congrats on making the Super Admin List Wish you The Best :D
  18. Lol