Weird chrome issue.

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by ThaKloned, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. Been having this issue on my work PC for awhile now and it's rather annoying. Doesn't happen on my home PC and can't figure out what's up. The issue is this:

    When on any website, if I am scrolling down the page, normally when you click the bookmark again (for that same site) it refreshes that page back to the top. Let's use EMC as an example.

    So the above image is about half way down the page. When you click the bookmark again you should see the top of the page again:

    Any other PC I try, this is what you get. On my PC at work though, it just stays at the position of the page you are on at that time. This is a hard issue to describe lol Hopefully this makes sense.

    I've uninstalled the browswer, java and re-installed them. Doesn't fix it. I've cleared all browser data, reset settings to default.. nothing. Only plug-ins I use are McAfee and uBlock Origin. I tried this issue before re-installing those and still doesn't work. It makes no sense why it's doing this. Same browser version, same windows version and same java version as my home PC and other PCs.

    Send help please! :D
  2. Did you hit your work PC with a hammer? Should work

    (don't know whats really causing it sorry)
    ShelLuser, ThaKloned and Sachrock like this.
  3. Its your PC.
  4. Naw. Tried another PC and same issue.
  5. Have you tried opening an incognito window (Ctrl+Shift+N) testing if it occurs then?

    If it happens when you are in incognito, I'm a tad stumped. Else, It most likely has to do with your cache/ cookies.
    (You said you cleared your browser but we might as well check right?)
    ShelLuser and ThaKloned like this.
  6. Ya I tried incognito before posting. Not an easy issue t google search for lol. And yes I also deleted the cache/cookies as well as all other chrome browser data. I can still do everything while browsing the net, this is just an annoyance. Even more so since it's not happening on my other PC/laptops.

    No but I did spill Kimchi on the keyboard and now have a separate issue.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  7. Though, apart from reinstalling Windows/Linux/OSX/whatever, I have no idea how to solve the problem, I do know a (maybe obvious) way to make it not as bad; press on the "home" button to go to the top of the page. :)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  8. That would make it go to Google on mine :p
  9. When i do this.. It doesn't do what yours is doing..
  10. Your's goes back to top right? That's what it should do lol
    Themoglover likes this.
  11. Never seen that before, interesting. What kind of device is it, and do you like that feature? :p
  12. PC at work. Windows 10.
  13. Hmm. If the home button doesn't work, maybe you can try holding the page-up button for a second or two, or if it's a short page, just press it repeatedly a few times. If that doesn't work, then Windows 10 broke keyboards. :p
    ThaKloned likes this.
  14. Oh sorry thought you meant the home button in chrome. Home button in Chrome is set to google. The home button on my keyboard brings it to the top. Didn't know that :D Still though, the same should happen when you click a bookmark linked to the same page.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  15. Oh, lol, no I meant the physical home button :p And yes, it should happen then too, really odd it doesn't. Have you tried it on another Windows 10 computer, maybe it has to do with that? But I'm happy that you've now found something to not make it nearly as annoying as before :p
  16. We have another Windows 10 PC at work and also a Windows 7. Win10 has same issue and Win7 doesn't. BUT my home PC is also Win10 and doesn't have this issue.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  17. Try removing your bookmark and adding it again. Also your setting could be set to have the page reload to where you left off.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  18. Ya bookmarks were removed and re-added a few times, no change there.

    I have that set to a specific page on startup.