Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Oct 22, 2017.

  1. Good Memory =/= Smart

    Many people have mistaken my good memory for smartness. Just because I can recall a certain chemical formula, how to play a song on guitar, on what exact date something obscure happened, etc., does not make me smart. Smartness is the ability to create something - be it on the spot (a joke) or over a period of time (a large work of fiction), or to the making of a breakthrough in the sciences (see: Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Marie Curie, Sheldon Cooper).

    So don't talk to me if you think my ability to remember the fact that in 1998, the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell and plummeted 16 feet through the announcer's table is smartness.
    Jelle68 likes this.
  2. Well I mean, a lot of it is tied to memory though
    synth_apparition likes this.
  3. This is click bait
    synth_apparition and padde73 like this.
  4. Very true.

    (this isn't my actual opinion *for the most part* I just wanted an excuse to write something about the undertaker hell in a cell copypasta and this was the only thing I could think of)
    Jay2a likes this.
  5. Indeed.
    Well, almost...

    (I know, I tend to overdo things)

    there are, as far as I know, nine forms of inteligence:
    Naturalist inteligence - eye for detail and ability of noticing small changed.
    Musical inteligence - needs no explanation, also relates to being good at maths.
    Logical Mathmatical inteligence - abstract thinking and quantifying data
    Existential inteligence - ability to thhink about queations that don't have an answer, not getting confused by own thoughts
    Interpersonal inteligence - Empathy and ability to see someone's moods
    Bodily-kinestethic inteligence - good motorithmatic and finding things out by expirimentation.
    linguistic Inteligence - ability to know suttle diferences between words and piccking up words from another langue
    Intra-personal inteligence - understanding own feelings and self-motivation
    Spacial inteligence - ability to read maps, and imagine what something would look like from an unseen angle.

    I can't see the ability to remember things is in one of them, wich is sad for me... (some people might know my ability to remember things.) But, the ability to remember things is something quite importand if you want to be able to do things. I mean, if you are a scientist, you need to be able to remember a whole lot of things. I don't know if you know String theory (wichh is what I'm usually working with when I'm not minecrafting) (It's the theory scientists are currently working on, an improvement of the Quantummechhanics and the Teory of relativity if you will (It isn't, but you can think about it like that)) But, if you want to do do cutting edge science in that department, you first of all need to know all forumula's for the Quantuum theory (wich are plenty) and all need to understand, and know the rules of the maths that makes that theory, and so withh the Teory of Relativity aswell. I can tell you, thhat is quite a lot to have in your head. You may be as smart as you are, but you need to be able to remember all thhose things before you can even start withh being a scientist in thhis case, and, as far as I know with any "new" science.
    For the other things you said (wich are further away from home) You need to have an enourmous vocabulairy in order to be able to make good jokes (well the linguistic ones) and need to be able to remember a full story all at once to be able to write a novel.
    All with all, having a good memory isn't needed to be inteligent, but you need it to do something withh your inteligence.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.