Vikings, vs Samurai, vs Knights

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Otus_NigRum, Dec 27, 2018.


Viking, Samurai, or Knight

Knight 4 vote(s) 36.4%
Viking 3 vote(s) 27.3%
Samurai 4 vote(s) 36.4%
  1. What an odd thread indeed, a Minecraft forum which discusses historical warriors? How odd...

    Not that odd for me because I'm back in my time period of history lovin'!

    Recently I have been getting an itch for medieval and ancient period history, of those two magnificent era's is warfare, and when you think of warfare you think of the Vikings, Samurai and the Knights!

    Lets cut to the chase, what's YOUR personal favourite warrior and why?

    With my love affair for medieval and ancient warfare and the various weapon types, armour and warriors which inhabit it, I simply cannot choose one within a moments notice.
    Typically though, I would be warring towards the side of Vikings. Why you may ask? I am proud of a rich Scandinavian (Mostly Danish and Swedish!) family tree, and of course you cannot be Scandinavian without some sort of Viking descent!
    Thus, my love for the Norse is a lot more of a patriotic thing, but I also love Vikings for their incredible intelligence within sea voyaging, trading, exploring and pillaging! Norse Tribes also sport very beautifully designed armours, making them a lot more menacing, yet rich full of culture!
    You also cannot forget the blood-thirsty and deadly fighting the barbarous Norsemen presented!

    So, which warrior do you fancy with?
    Foxy_Kitty likes this.

  2. I went with knights, I have always been a fan of the armor and fighting and everything. I also really like jousting. That history channel show with jousting was awesome and I have always liked it since then.
    Foxy_Kitty and Otus_NigRum like this.
  3. It would be fun to learn how to joust, except I'd probably damage a ton of valuable bones
  4. My favorite part of this thread is that it's based on historical figures that can be "somewhat" considered to be made up. lol
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  5. What do you mean? All three of those warriors were indeed real, but I can say that due to modern writing and stories that there can be tons of fantasy elements to them.
    Foxy_Kitty likes this.
  6. Knights were just posh boy aristocrats given honours by a monarch. They liked jousting, parties, chivalry culture, and weren't brave heroes they made themselves out to be. They also weren't really a thing until the Renaissance, and still exist today, and thus aren't medieval warriors.

    Samurai/Bushi were just posh boy aristocrats in positions of military power.

    Vikings were ordinary men who raided places for food, valuables, found new places to live, and liked to trade. Their home nations still had feudal structures and their colonies (Danelaw (North-East England)/Iceland/Greenland) were governed by their home countries too. Their image is one painted with clichés and doused in fiction.

    Gonna have to go with samurais. They actually did some of the stuff they're collectively hyped up to do... Be normal military officers who were members of the aristocracy.
    Otus_NigRum and Foxy_Kitty like this.
  7. I have to go with vikings if I had to choose, but all of them are pretty cool.
    For instance, the samurai sword wouldn't even exist without samurais.
    And knights are the heroes in so many stories, what would we do without them?!
    I generally prefer the vikings because of the boats and the hats and the fighting and idk why because I could literally say that for anything else but nope I just like the vikings better.
    but How To Train Your Dragon vikings are still the best
    AltPunisher has a great point tho
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  8. I have to go with Samurai - I'm obsessed with Musashi, who was a ronin (masterless samurai).
    SkeleTin007 and Otus_NigRum like this.
  9. Samurai: Let the Dragon Consume me
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  10. I actually like what i would consider real medieval knights.. late period Romans. I still love their armour designs, methods of warfare, and strategies.

    Course i also love samurai.. and personally relate to vikings :D
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  11. Early Medieval knights are my favourite as well. Plate armour is great, but I like the periods before that.
  12. I'd have to say though, even though it doesn't really relate to the title, the Anglo-Saxons had crafted the most beautiful helms ever to grace Europe...
  13. I always was fascinated with samurai and their cultures.