[Video] Marrying in Minecraft

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by heyaroo, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Perrty funny:p
    heyaroo and jacob5089 like this.
  2. lol i do not stalk girls... that often. JKJKJKJK im just joking i dont stalk girls. i don't go that way, cuz I'm a thug... yo
    nick92461 likes this.
  3. And things just keep getting awkward. I would advise you to quit while you're ahead. :)
    melk73 likes this.
  4. Or, quit and give melk all your rupees :)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  5. got melk?
  6. Sorry, just ran out
  7. awww man!

    I just saw your sig.

    Did I inspire you? :p
  8. Inspire? How so?
  9. Everytime your on I ask Got Melk?


    Got Melk?

    EDIT 2:

    Oh wait I remember you said you didn't...
  10. ahh, that was you. Forgot about that, and yes, that was my inspiration
  11. Awesome:)
    heyaroo likes this.
  12. Favorite part *villager ooh what a pretty window*
    607, _Stads_, heyaroo and 1 other person like this.
  13. This video has been put together so nicely, I LOVED IT! Especially how you change the mood with the call at the end :p
    heyaroo likes this.