Update to Recently Active Threads List

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 607, Jan 6, 2024.

  1. Hi, it's me again!

    Did anyone who did not see it happen on Discord notice this yet? ;)

    The maximum age of posts to be shown went from 48 to 72 hours. Actually, does anyone remember when the maximum length got updated from 10 to 20? I think it was some time ago, but I had forgotten about it happening, because it rarely got to its max. length anymore. I might've made a thread about it myself, but I can't check, because of my least favourite bug!
  2. It is true that I changed this in the past couple weeks.
    Fred_TWK and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  3. 607, you may see the conversation I started in #general Moople's Discord. I posted an image of how small the "recent threads" section was getting. That caught Triphora's attention, then Chickeneer's as well. He said that he expanded it. I believe I'm the reason why it's longer hehe :D
    607 likes this.
  4. Yup! That's what I hinted at here.