UHC - Sundays, 3:30PM EMC Time/7:30PM GMT

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. I can say three things for this uhc.

    Posion pots are op, Penguin's team does it again, more apples.

    Gg all
    PenguinDJ and Dr_Chocolate14 like this.
  2. Pink team was definitely the most clever.

    We climbed up to the spawn box and hid amongst the dead, though we were quickly teleported out of there
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  3. Poison pots are overpowered. I got a hold of one, and nearly killed an entire team with it. Spyro's horse was OP. We had to retreat back and I had to sneak up behind him, kill his horse, then kill him to get rid of him.
    FoxyRavenger and PenguinDJ like this.
  4. I almost forgot to add that there are some issues with players that cause the game to not be fun. Lets see if we can fix that for next weeks game.
    Dr_Chocolate14 and PenguinDJ like this.
  5. Like the happy birthday spam?
  6. Seems like I won't be uploading my recording here after all. First off, my game sounds were moot. Nothing. All I got on audio was the voice chat. Secondly, my file was way too massive to upload within a reasonable time. For the future I'll need to figure out how to record my game sounds on top of the voice chat as well as break down my recording into smaller segments and not one long video.

    That aside, congrats to Penguin's team. Again. :p And yeah, the spam needs to stop. Seriously.
    Dr_Chocolate14 likes this.
  7. Good game! Found 44 gold in a cave, got enchanted by the 30 minute mark (Fire Aspect I Sharpness II sword, half Protection II half Proj Prot I), and came up and went to 0,0. We cleaned up a fight between white and red, so we got strength, speed, and poison pots. (Sort of feel bad about that!)

    Cyan team hid from us for a good five minutes until we saw them hiding behind a tree...

    Strength is very over powered.

    Good game, everyone!

    My own team lava'd me after we won but I went from 9.5 to 4.5 fighting Cyan.

    Edit: I just realized I didn't heal at all that game and ended with 4.5!
    Dr_Chocolate14 likes this.
  8. Yes! I can play today! Cause im not at school i dont start school it Feb 2nd So until Fed 2nd I can play!
  9. I'll go today, just spectating, i'm very tired and I have a project to do, i'll come though, but just to spectate
  10. meh comeing to break new records again also Me DatFoxMan and Crafter were the first ones to craft/brew poison pots :p good luck ya'll
  11. open up the servers chin! XD
  12. can banned members join if they forfeit the prize/give it to teammates?
  13. I have no problem with banned members so long as they behave.
    Qkazooo likes this.
  14. Can't make it. Life is in the way.
  15. Studying for finals lol

    gl and hf to those who are playing uhc! :)
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  16. sadly unable to play today.
  17. Good game, all. We started off pretty poorly. Made up with some quick kills.

    Note: Skybases should be banned
    PenguinDJ and Arystina like this.
  18. Was anyone using pots this game?
  19. Yeah, Rex1o's team had a ton.
  20. Who won BTW? (Money on skybase teams, or Penguin's)