UHC [Old Thread]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. Did anyone record/get pictures of the final fights?
  2. I didn't realize that I would get to watch all the way to the end and stopped recording well before that.
    Codygraw and xHaro_Der like this.
  3. Haha, I just noticed, looking through screenshots, that when I asked kaptrix and DubChef to high five as a team, I think just_five_fun heard that as me saying hello to him. :D

    Anyway, go yellow team trio! (+ tuqueque when he's available ;))

    DubChef, LaadyIanite, kaptrix and 3 others like this.
  4. Why am I being the most eager for the next event .-.

    Oh right...

    I am going for Blood...
    LaadyIanite likes this.
  5. Are we doin it today?
  6. Heck yes!
  7. Yes, starting in 2 hours, there are also some rules changes, to be aware of, these will be explained in the game,
    PMSubhan, Zrugite and PenguinDJ like this.
  8. :eek: rule changes this may be fun
  9. Or it may not
  10. Let's hope it is
  11. Can't come today due to family stuff and have a doc's appt on tuesday, so not looking so good this week.
    Have fun all.
    LaadyIanite likes this.
  12. Thanks, have fun with your family and at the doctor's office. :)
  13. We all hope
  14. putting a grace perion in would be the best! so no rushers
    PMSubhan likes this.
  15. Team Red members with skype, message me if you want to be added to the call while we're discussing plans. We'll be moving to mumble when the game starts.
  16. But I like to kill every one at start (well at least try)
  17. Cant make it :(
  18. Who won I left early
  19. It's still in progress.
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