UHC [Old Thread]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. The first team to die I mean... the last team to die?

    and miss_peevle with this little gem lol
    Qkazoochan and FoxyRavenger like this.
  2. Foxy was very innovative in this match. He found me from a lit up cave, which I don't even know how since I don't use caves. I was off in a strip mine very low to bedrock and I just had found obsidian so I made an enchantment table and I began to enchant all my items. I was going to gather more obsidian to make a portal but then I thought I heard mining. I paused and my worst fear was true. I was debating to make a run for it since I only had 5 1/2 hearts at the time. I divided my strip mine in two unwisely with my crafting table, furnace and enchantment table on the other side. I did not want to waste another 2 diamonds on another enchantment table, so again unwisely I decided to fight. I pinpointed his location and began to dig a trap in which I could hit his feet. He got 1-2 shots on me while I got 4-5 in. I realized one more shot to me would be enough so I started to dig up to him and I hit him once more before he was able to kill me. Well played Foxy, well played.
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  3. I honestly thought I was going to die at that moment. I had no heath and I knew you were low health as well so I keep pursuing. It was a good battle
  4. Once I found out you had diamond armor I practically knew I was dead. Good fight.
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  5. Okay guys, sorry to say to you all, but tomorrow's event might not end up happening, just to give you a warning.
    And the reason....
  6. bu...bu...bu... I have been practicing though :( lmao
  7. So we might do Monday or no?
  8. Is there any today?
  9. Red Team already had our strategy planned out and everything, damn.
  10. Are we doing UHC tommrow chinny? @rainbowchin
  11. Is it happening?
    TechFilmer likes this.
  12. Okay all, looks like the attacks have stopped, and I have some access to the server now.
    But.... it seems such short notice, that I don't think I could properly host for tonight.
    What are people's thoughts?
  13. Eh if we get a few people that's better than no game at all. Even 2 teams would be pretty fun. I like the games with less people xD
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  14. Alright, scheduled for 5 as 4PM would be too short noice.
  15. Woah. Today! Sweet
  16. Well Foxy can't make this....

    It should be set for this weekend than on short notice. I think you would get more participation. Do this on Saturday my suggestion
  17. Wouldn't hurt to do it today :D imma come
  18. That's what they all say...
  19. dundun dun
    really what do you mean by that
    Gawadrolt and CadenMann like this.
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