Turning your profile picture into a MTG trading card!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ritunn, Mar 5, 2016.


Are you happy with your card?

Yes 11 vote(s) 100.0%
No 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Ah, cool, try me! :)
  2. Try me out. ty for doing this btw
  3. JerryCameToo and RealSlimStevie like this.
  4. Pick me! Pick me! *jumps up and down*
  5. 607 likes this.
  6. http://imgur.com/7QT5LN3

    He's got his mind against you when you play the General Willikers card!
  7. *waves hand in air frantically* Pick me! Pick me!
  8. Sure, why not :D If you want another one to make then feel free to make one for me, I'll have a creature card please, feel free to be creative with it :)
    AnonReturns and 607 like this.
  9. fBuilderS and his magical squid building magical walls

    fBuilderS likes this.
  10. Sendai pinkcaker will flash in and give you some more life with this card!

  11. LOVE ITTTTT!!!!!!
  12. Ta da
  13. Very nice! Thank you, Shadow! If only I could play this card in my deck with Nony :p
    AnonReturns and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  14. Make me one please. My profile picture is glorious.
  15. Put it in there to surprise her :p
    JerryCameToo likes this.
  16. Already shown her it! :rolleyes:
    AnonReturns likes this.