Tranformice | The Empire

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by wisepsn, Oct 3, 2013.


Do you play Transformice?

Yes! 13 vote(s) 37.1%
No. 18 vote(s) 51.4%
Sometimes. 4 vote(s) 11.4%
  1. I suggest coming online right this instant or you may have to wait even longer to be in the tribe
    I gtg right now
    You have literal 30 seconds...

    Edit: -Gone-
    Ask Wisepsn, Princebee or Gabrielrocks/Puddingeater to invite you u.u
  2. Just got on...
    For some reason it crashes whenever I change the page :(
  3. Comment on this thread if you need an invite, I can get on right now, or just if you want to play (^_^)
  4. Hey princebee...........
    Wanna get on and play a round or two...
    (Excuse me if I fail at it, I'm a complete noob)
  5. Tribe seems to be down :,(
  6. Yeah...
    My transformice is all screwy :(
  7. Mine seems to be fine :l
    I've seen a few other people with the same problems as you though
  8. I'm on Nao for a bit <3
  9. Still on guise
    AliceF3 likes this.
  10. Sarry guys, I was AFK, but i'm still on (Oh God Triple post so sorry :p)
  11. Why were you on the 1st English server instead of the 2nd like you normally are?
  12. My friend and tribe list are now both broken....
    I'll try and find a cause and a fix but it my be up to the admins to sort out

    Edit: It literally just came back
    You have to wait while and eventually the tribe Message will pop up and everything works again
  13. Huh, IDK....
    I was playing on the downloadable version of TFM :p
  14. thehamsterdance.PNG

    (Alice, Gabby, Parker and I do teh hamstar dance)
  15. ^That happened on Saturday?
    It feels like longer then that...

    I'm online if anyone wants to join me
    It gets a bit lonely by yourself
  16. I'll be able to get on in a few...
  17. I'm off for now, I'll be on in an hour or so
    Watching NerdCubed
    princebee likes this.
  18. Y'know, this is a nice little thing to play while waiting for the servers to be back up :p