Tranformice | The Empire

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by wisepsn, Oct 3, 2013.


Do you play Transformice?

Yes! 13 vote(s) 37.1%
No. 18 vote(s) 51.4%
Sometimes. 4 vote(s) 11.4%
  1. doesnotundersta.nd
  2. It was not meant as an insult… but someone who has never heard of this concept/game and they hear this name… just think about what someone's first thoughts might be.
  3. Mice which are more than meet the eye?
    (Hey, it's true, they turn into anvils and stuff)
  4. Here's a very nice little cheat thing for you guys. Did you guys know you can get 20 Free Fraises? I won't say how but you can simply google or watch a YouTube video.

    They do these secret Easter eggs to make people realize that customizing their clothes is amazing, so this actually influences people to buy more Fraises after their first test of customizing.

    I spent my Fraises on customizing my nice little joker hat. ( The hat with black and white stripes and yellow bells at the end ) I try to customize it every once and a while to match the theme in season or time. Like right now it is black and orange with dull grey bells. It really matches with the other accessories. ;)
  5. all the ones i found are outdated
  6. Yes, thank you so much for that :D
  7. I am not sure if it can even be outdated... Its a special room and you have to duck. -a certain ammount of times-
  8. It's outdated.
  9. Can someone invite me?
  10. We can only invite when the person is online, if you tell me your username then I'll gladly invite you if someone hasn't already

    I'm online if anybody wants to join me
  11. I am Mostlywater. Princebee saw me yesterday but he couldn't invite me.
  12. guys i'm online
  13. Hey, I'm online!
  14. Coming on now!
  15. The WJ practice map is gone :( it doesn't exist
  16. Since they fixed the mp scrolling, I'll remake the Tribe House and add a Wall Jump and Corner Jump practice area
  17. mkay :)
  18. I'm online anyone
  19. I'm going on if anyone wants to come :p

    Minecraft and Roblox are both to laggy atm, so tfm is the only other thing to do -.-