Town chat - spam, caps, begging, swearing, etc.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Herbrin3, Jul 10, 2012.

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  1. But it isn't fair that they can't talk to anyone they know just because of a few newer players who are still learning the basics.
    battmeghs likes this.
  2. Turn chat off, ignore everyone, and go live in the wild? So... that'd be "Single-player" then. No point being here.
  3. Well maybe they should make a new command to where you can only hear people in supporter chat?
  4. ^and if mods can't sort this out, that's exactly what I shall do.

    I don't want to give $20 per month to be insulted and shouted at by a bunch of children.
  5. X-ray. Problem arisen again. :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. We at the LLO would have something to say about living in the wild. It can be very social. :D
    Equinox_Boss and jkjkjk182 like this.
  7. I have seen 2 people banned in the last 2 days:) It was great! One was like "i haz been reported b4 and they dont ban people for reports!" *Two minutes later* ________ Was banned by Green_Mystery Reason: Poot attitude. Also, this guy has spammed and such before, so its not like it was his first time breaking the rules. 2 days ago, a player was banned for stealing a STACK of diamonds right in front of two players eyes. He argued with Bigdavie for 15 minutes trying to keep the diamonds. I have seen many kicks in the last week on smp5, and some temp bans too. I think the system is working great, but it just doesnt happen instantly. Just keep reporting and have a good amount of patience:)
  8. You may have non-supporter friends. Then you can't talk to them. Again, I have no problem. I'd happily do that little bit of work (typing /ignore <superlongplayernamewithhypensandunderscoresthatgetsconfusing) to just have peace. :)
  9. No, you (and everyone else) might not see the mods doing anything. However, it doesn't mean that they're not. They might just be putting a note on the spammer's record and warning them - it's called giving them a chance. By not instantly kicking them they also get so see who else has that kind of personality which would be found sooner or later anyway. In NKJ's works (pretty much) "they're building up a behavioural record for the player".

    I know you've repeatedly said that /ignore isn't a solution. I half agree - but it stops the idiot's from getting on your nerves. They're still a problem, yes, but at the end of the day; if they continue then a mod will do their magic and let them enjoy a break from EMC.

    I personally don't have a clue how many reports are processed a day. However, I'm guessing it's a long time. Because there are so many it means (again, coming from NKJ) that it can be a long time before the report is read and by then it is too late. Give the staff a chance, they know what they are doing.

    Also, I swear that if you ignore someone you can't see their kick/ban messages...
    ShadyShannon likes this.
  10. I totally agree that, when that happens, it's great.

    That's exactly why I'd like to see it happen more often.

    It might be better on other servers - IDK. I've seen a few bans on SMP9 in the past week, too - mostly, when I've gone to other servers and pleaded a mod to come over and do something.

    But, I've seen a few - maybe 3 or 4 in the week.

    Whereas there are occasions when a kick would help about every 10-20 minutes or so.

    When it works, it works great. Totally.

    But it isn't happening often enough.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. My brain was not pressurized, therefore my mind isn't blown. I like to talk to the mature members when I can.
  12. That misses my main point here:

    If people see mods taking action (by kicking, banning) then they don't do the same thing (spam, shout, beg, insult, swear, whatever) - because they know someone might kick them too.

    We need high-visibility moderation - which would vastly reduce the problem.

    And we already know it would reduce the problem because, on the rare occasion a mod is around and kicks someone, the chat is much nicer for a while - because people notice, and start to behave better.
  13. Those two were banned for saying more.... Adult Content words, I shall say. I give them credit though. They are very serious on those.
  14. Whose post are you referring to? You should hit the reply button a lot more often....
  15. I agree, I wish warnings were done like the kick/ban messages. However, by letting them continue then the staff get to weed out the culprits.

    I bet they wish they could instantly sort out every /report. However, they can't so it wont be possible for it to say in chat. Have you seen how confused people get in town chat when SYSTEM kicks people for spamming in local chat. I can see something similar happening if it was done this way but delayed.
  16. It's totally possible, and it already happens. Not often, but it does.
    It says, "<some name> was kicked by <mod name> Reason: Spamming the chat"
    (for example)
    And, when that happens, there is much less spam/caps/swearing/insulting for quite a while.

    All I want - is more of it. Because mods do it (on SMP9) maybe once a day; if it happened ten times a day, the town chat would be ten times better.
  17. I agree the /reports do nothing!! i never see anyone get kicked, banned, even warned!!
    battmeghs likes this.
  18. They should make some new code that kicks a person for saying the same thing multiple times within a certain time. I know they already have something like that, but it mostly catches spam bots. I could go online and say "Bananas and Muffins" 18 times within one minute and it wont kick me. One guy, who is finally banned, would spam when someone would ask if there were any people willing to work. it would go like this.
    Someone else: I would!
    Someone else2: That would be great!

    He wouldnt spam fast enough, so it wouldnt kick him. It was terrible. I think they need to be more strict on what they consider spamming.
  19. I agree with what you are saying here..but have you noticed 99% of the people who do it are new and learning how EMC operates? IF they banned everyone that does those things, EMC wouldn't grow any. Give them the warning, let them learn from their mistakes, and move on.
  20. They don't think the players GET warnings, though.
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