Think twice before eggifying

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by A_Dolphin, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. I could keep up now, but that may be because I already watched the video multiple times and so I knew what they were going to say.
    nick5013 likes this.
  2. People need to help get this message out there to Aikar and IcecreamCow. I will not tolerate this inhumane act against innocent animals. I think that eggifying should cost about 100r in town and 1k in the wild/waste to discourage hundreds of thousands of animals being mistreated.

  3. Yeah video is better with the slower text.
    Well done, as always.
    I will say that eggifying is a great feature of EMC, imo, and set up well.
    No modification needed, but thats just my opinion.
    eggifyingis well established on EMC and I do not see a need to change it.
    But, cool video.
    nick5013 likes this.
  4. I thought the text was just fine :confused: either way epic video
    nick5013 likes this.
  5. but joke doe..
    Twitch1, cadgamer101 and nick5013 like this.