My ign is alex_jacob im good at making mob traps in a flash and im a good farmer i can use a bow prety well but a sword better im like a swiss army knife i can farm nicely am a decint shot can make good mob traps prety fast traping and farming no i like my defualf skin and might get a camo skin
What is your Username? DangerousPopcorn Why we should accept you to the Thieves Guild? Couse i love communitys Name some interesting things about you? Im brazilian, live in Argentina and i have GOOD internet connection What are you best at in Minecraft? Hunting i LOVE hunting, never go out without a stack of arrows armor and sword! (I will not kill ANY slime OF any KIND (Slimes are the best mob EVAH!))
smile3 I am experienced with emc, am a natural leader, and a good navigator. And, I awesome. I have an almost photographic memory, a lot of stamina, and am a very strategic minecrafter I am an amazing hunter ya, I might use it. It looks cool.
username: snozles Why you should accept me: I'm good at building and protecting places from mobs Interesting things about me: nothing brings down my spirits, I'm loyal and I have a good sense of humor Best at Minecraft: Fighting and mining