The Many Faces of EMC Head Museum

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Krysyy, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. How does one make a suicide booth?
    jacob5089 likes this.
  2. what is wrong with you people? jk....
    PenguinDJ and jacob5089 like this.
  3. In the game, build a tower up about 30 blocks. Make a platform and place a bed. Set your spawn location, then jump. Rinse and repeat.

    Have someone at the bottom or a hopper to collect fallen heads.
  4. smp2 is winning atm smp5ers we need to take the lead
    marknaaijer and RainbowChin like this.
  5. Krysyy just told me smp5 dropped two heads good job guys keeep it up
    marknaaijer likes this.
  6. we need more heads from 4,7 8
    marknaaijer likes this.
  7. And that's two more to smp5 from me.
  8. Servers 4, 6, and 8 are unrepresented at the moment.
  9. Nightly totals 6/20/13 at 9:03 pm cst
    smp1: 20
    smp2: 23
    smp3: 2
    smp4: 3
    smp5: 20
    smp7: 2
    smp8: 1
    smp9: 4

    There are now sandstone boards where you can see how many each server has.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  10. Donated mine :D
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  11. smp1 is currently winning with a lead difference of 5 heads...smp2 and smp5 are tied for second...

    Keep bringing the heads!
  12. Can we donate multiple heads?
  13. Only one will count towards the server total.
  14. One head per account only.
  15. Well, with 2 alts, I'll chuck in a few more.
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  16. I shall cut off my head in honor of EMC!

  17. Lol. Head received =)

    smp1: 28
    smp2: 25
    smp3: 3
    smp4: 4
    smp5: 23
    smp6: 0
    smp7: 2
    smp8: 2
    smp9: 4
    uglydragon likes this.
  18. Smp2 has pulled ahead (pun intended) :D
    Smp1 follows close behind with smp5 in third...
    Jimbonothing64, jacob5089 and jrm531 like this.
  19. Wow, my server is lazy... (smp6)
  20. Just donated my head :)
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.