The Many Faces of EMC Head Museum

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Krysyy, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Smp5 has a clear lead! What will you other servers do??? Any server can win if they put their heads together!!! (accidental pun, i promise)

    Come drop your head off at 3007 to get involved :D
  2. I will soon have a signature :D
  3. jtc said it first :D
  4. SMP 9!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got 17 heads. Can I spare one of my precious treasures?
  5. I think you mean on of the 11 owners of an icC head
  6. Uh...what?

    Just because someone has an IcC head, doesn't mean they or their server automatically wins xD.
  7. In the main text it says (original) afterwards =P Mine is still more special than a normal one...
    WolfThunderblade and PenguinDJ like this.
  8. Only 11 owners! :eek: Man, I am glad me and my friend are both an owner.
  9. Bump for my lunch break! I expect to see tons of heads in that chest when I get home tonight!!!
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  10. "Wow, I can't believe i have an ICC head!!" Steve exclaimed as he walked by a lava lake in the Nether...*accidentally pressed Q instead of W, tossing the head into a pool of lava...

    Gadget_AD and PandasEatRamen like this.
  11. Come on smp 3, 6, and 8!!! We need more heads from your servers to make sure the build turns out fantastic.
  12. Look around main wild spawn, sandstone tower. Set spawn in bed, drop, hope the hopper wasnt stolen.
  13. Advanced suicide tower:

    Build a life-size model of the empire state building, stand on the edge until night comes, wait for a creeper to spawn, yell the words, "Not creeper please don't do this," press shift and back up to the edge, let the creeper blow you off the edge, and when your head drops, take the elevator down, get your head and go home...
    Gadget_AD and somebody121 like this.
  14. Lol. Someone needs to make a video! But you forgot one little bit to your story so I added it for ya. :)
    runtaylorun1 likes this.
  15. That's kryssy! She only wants your head, not too much to ask for, right? ;)
    runtaylorun1 likes this.
  16. Hang on a minute, if the creeper blows you off the edge, how can you take the elevator down?
  17. I turned in my head.
    This place is now the only place that got my head :D
    PenguinDJ and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  18. The creeper blows you off the edge, then you fall to your death. Then you respawn at the top, take the elevator to the lobby, and get your head.