The last too comment on this thread wins

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Eclipce, Sep 26, 2018.


Am I annoying?

No 27 vote(s) 17.8%
Very 13 vote(s) 8.6%
Not really 9 vote(s) 5.9%
Yes 15 vote(s) 9.9%
A little 6 vote(s) 3.9%
Who are you? 70 vote(s) 46.1%
I told you to go away 12 vote(s) 7.9%
  1. Nobody Knows
    by Kim Carnes
    ( Vanish Point Soundtrack - 1971 )

    One of my favorite songs and movie.
  2. How do we play this game?
  3. Am I doing this right?
  4. Ssssshhhhh! Be vewy vewy quiet! 🤫 I’m huntin’ wabbits! 🪓
  5. I'm watching The Big Bang Theory.
  6. Oh nice, I liked that show.
  7. There is a house in New Orleans
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  8. Hi Nick!!
    Got you some ValentineLikes 😉
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  9. Somewhere in a lonely hotel room
    There’s a guy startin’ to realize
    That eternal fate has turned its back on him
  10. It's 5 o'clock somewhere
    Tuqueque likes this.
  11. Wouldn't that depend on which side of the Earth your on?