The InkBlob: An Ingame Newspaper

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Alukiann, Jan 5, 2018.

    Okay - BEFORE EVERYONE LOSES THEIR MINDS - I spammed (reasonably) Hashhog and got permission to start a newspaper too! (And he gave me tips) I’ve started to get on EMC a lot - And I really like writing, so this hopefully doesn’t fail. But I’m not a noob at writing, I’ve got a dozen DCs of books and quills, I ALREADY WROTE AN EDITION ;)) and here we go. I DON’T WANT THE EMC NEWSPAPER TO DIE!!!

    The InkBlob, I would make an original name but this is all in spirit of Hashog. I was to make a Newspaper, the goal isn’t to make rupees. Making each book and quill costs about 30 rupees for me, but I’m charging 37 because I need to sure my rupees don’t go down, and it takes a few hours to make one of these. (CHEAPER THAN HASHHOG GET REKT) The InkBlob will have stuff to entertain you, if you are unsatisfied you shall get a refund, but I’ve blogged quite a bit so hopefully that doesn’t happen. My goal is to not ruin newspapers for EMC.

    If you are wondering about any progress updates check my profile.

    In light of Hashhog’s InkStain thread, here’s a Q and A.

    Where to buy one?
    37r rupees, at /v +Library on SMP3.

    What if I can’t afford one?
    Really if you spam me I’ll give you one, but you could just vote.

    Can you sell your newspaper in my shop?
    PM me! I’ll have to see. But I'm sure we can work something out.

    Can I subscribe to the newspaper like I did with Hashhog?
    Sorry. Maybe in the future, I can’t do that write now. (Get it?)

    Can I put an ad in your newspaper?
    PM me… I really don’t know what this would cost. (Nothing too much)

    What if I want a joke or story or whatever in the paper?
    PM me! I’m sure I can, just PM me.

    I went to the place and there’s nothing there, what?
    The newspapers shall start on Sunday, January 7th 2018, but if it’s past that date and I’m out of a current issue, PM me.

    What if I want a past article?
    PM me, it will cost 38r though.

    Can I buy unlimited amounts?
    Please only buy one… If you want duplicates I can get you them for 35r, PM me.

    Need help?
    PM me how you want to help! :D Thanks! You will get credit.

    Can I give you 1,000r?
    *sighs* I guess... If you want to. (LOL If you donate you will get credit and much thanks from me)

    What if I have a problem?

    How often does a new issue come out?
    Some weekends I can do this, sometimes not. I am going to just try… For every two weeks. If that changes - if anything changes - it will be in the form of a newspaper.

    How do I know a new issue is out?
    Go to /v +Library on SMP3… Or check my profile, I’ll try to update that constantly.

    Do you know would be fun? Having 20 EMC Newspapers. *Hint hint*

    Here we gooooooooooooooo!!! Tell me too if there's something I'm missing in the thread. Thanks!

    Note: The newspaper should (meaning it might not, but it should) go live on January 7th. (2018 :p) Check my profile page for progress updates! :D

    -q1zx ;)
    P.S. Thanks.
    MoreMoople, jesseqw, _Devuu__ and 7 others like this.
  2. *subscribing even though not possible*
    q1zx likes this.
  3. Cool!
    q1zx likes this.
  4. Sorry for the second post, but I have a suggestion. Based on Jelle’s comment you should take subscriptions for newspapers and it is like 150r for the next 6 or so newspapers. Then you have to resubscribe. The subscription would be sent via the mail service too.
    q1zx likes this.
  5. Always exciting to see more writers on EMC, it'll be fun to see how good it is. I look forward to grabbing one!
    q1zx likes this.

    Okay, thinking about it, I could pull up a Google Doc and whenever I had to I would just send it to that list; but I really want to make sure the whole Newspaper thing is set. If something happens, I don't want to have to write apology letter to everyone. xD But I do think it should happen, and it totally could! I'll keep that in mind, thank you!
  7. Maybe I should do it.
  8. Agreed. It was a shame to miss out on the Halloween Book contest. :p But oh well, here we are now! Thanks!
  9. Once you get rolling in this business I would love to put an ad in your paper. Would be willing to pay a couple grand for this as I know it could bring people in. I think that if you had a section of pages in your newspaper for this you could make some money to fund this awesome project. I know I will be coming by to check out the papers often! Goodluck with the InkBlob!
    607 and Smooshed_Potato like this.
  10. I get that I could charge 100r or more for a book... But... Meh... I think charging a few thousand for a 35 or so rupee book would be weird. xD I'll have to see. I appreciate your comment!
  11. I would pay a few thousand for sure. I think people charge waaaaay to low for their unique services these days. This isn't 2012 anymore people!!! :)
  12. Good luck! I don't even take the time to read the Inkstain, however, so I'm not going to subscribe to this. :p
    q1zx likes this.
  13. Cool idea! If there was a way to duplicate Quill and Book...
    q1zx likes this.
  14. I would also subscribe if it becomes possible. In the meantime i shall pop by... and pm you. Great idea and i agree about more papers... still hope to see more of the Inkstain eventually.
    q1zx likes this.
  15. You can copy Written Books by placing a book and quill next to the book in a crafting table, but you need to be the owner of the book (ON EMC).
    607 likes this.
  16. Thanks! :D
  17. Bump! :D 3 hours exact, time to get off of the forums. :p
    607 likes this.
  18. Bump again, lol.
  19. IT'S OPEN!!! 5 people came right off the bat, thanks so much to all!