The Hunger Games Event Preparation - By AlexHallon

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AlexHallon, Apr 8, 2012.


Do you like The Hunger Games?

Yes 97 vote(s) 94.2%
No 3 vote(s) 2.9%
What's The Hunger Games? 3 vote(s) 2.9%
  1. I would do that if I could film it :/
  2. I can make something in worst case,I have some expirance with Video editing and I have fraps :)
  3. Guys, I'm tired of waiting, so the Lottery will be on Saturday!
    Make sure to keep applying =D
    thestar19 likes this.
  4. THAT I like :)
  5. Ah, Sunday instead, Saturday might be a little bit too early...

    How do I get this Event to the Front page, guys?
    Would be awesome if this page could get there:
  6. when the lottery is on saturday, when do the games start??
    Lukas_3226 likes this.
  7. Saturday or Sunday next week, probably.
  8. i could join ;)
  9. done ;D
  10. Like the 26-27 Sat/Sun? Or 2-3 Sat/Sun? Just wondering so I can make sure on my calander. :3
  11. Lottery 27 Sunday, Event 2-3 Sat/Sunday.
  12. I don't think I'm here on the 2-3 so I cannot monitor the server.
  13. But it can be on, right?
    As long as it is on, we can handle it.
  14. Yes, But if I goes down, I won't be able to reboot it, I'll have to check my calendar.

    EDIT: Ok, I have looked at my Calendar, I am away until about 3PM BST on saturday, But apart from that, I have nothing else planned
  15. So you'll be there at Sunday 3 next week?
  16. Some of saturday and all of sunday
  17. Did it happen??? i didnt check the thread for a little D:
  18. No, but Lottery is in 15 minutes :D
  19. oh ok