The funny picture thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. egg_crack_up.jpg

    avg_photoshoper.jpg awkward_moment.jpg back_in_time.jpg bad_connection.jpg batman_tan.jpg brother_love.jpg cat_life.jpg classic_ride.jpg common_sense.jpg dq_oj.jpg mobile_phone.jpg nerd_life.jpg new_age_flashlight.jpg poor_monkey.jpg president_value_meal.png

    Attached Files:

    607 and hashhog3000 like this.
  2. g00tch, there is no need for those type of pictures on this thread. Isn't really funny just childish behavior next time use your common sense before posting okay.
  3. Well then you need to go back through the 106 pages and delete a bunch of others. Many are "childish behavior" and a lot more aren't "really funny". Some could be deemed offensive, such as the "Private Dick/Major Dick" one, or any of the other Cyanide & Happiness comics that are posted on here. Ones making fun of religion. Even your one about the reach of advertisement can be taken as pro-suicide.
  4. What to play this all right. Most of these picture are offense but are in comic type slides or meme's and aren't meant to offensive or rag on cultural ideas around the world. I deleted a lot of pictures from this thread in the past because it too mature for Emc Standards or are down right just wrong like yours. You posted picture of dead animal or someones pet who knows but Emc isn't that type of place where players aren't going look other way because they don't like it. A lot of Emc members follow this thread because it's like Imgur or reddit and player report picture when something is offense. For example, I deleted your picture because it was reported by several members describing it sickening, disgusting, inhuman picture after looking into it I agreed with the reports.
  5. Okie dokie, then.

  6. Freedom of speech at an abortion center

    Friends will steal Peter, Kevin.

    Hippo has things to do. Hippo got places to go. Hippo is busy

    Sigh ...


    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  7. This comic was titled "Every campfire, ever." It's so true.
    cowland123, Tigerstar and ArkWarrior1 like this.
  8. I don't get it :(
  9. No matter where you are sitting around the campfire, the smoke always blows in your face.
  10. Yup. It's like the first law of nature. No matter where you are around the campfire, the smoke always always ALWAYS seems to be blowing straight towards you. Campfires are trolls that way. :)
  11. i feel like this thread needs a bump
    if this dies i dont know what i will do... reddit........
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  12. So, this just happened:
    Screen shot 2014-08-12 at 7.52.11 PM.png
  13. Capture.PNG

    The Price of Swag These Days
    DogsRNice likes this.
  14. I won't let this thread die!
    cowland123 likes this.
  15. It shall never die!!

  16. Extra Fabulous Comics are the best :p
  17. It's interesting how well this explains my life right now...
    NathanRP, jkjkjk182 and hashhog3000 like this.