The Fight Over Graphics (Go above 1080p?)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by ForeverMaster, Aug 21, 2012.


What are you aware of the most when you play a new video game?

A. The Gameplay 30 vote(s) 50.0%
B. The Sound Effects, Music, and Voice (If there is any.) 1 vote(s) 1.7%
C. The Graphics 6 vote(s) 10.0%
D. The Game's Length 3 vote(s) 5.0%
E. All of the Above 20 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. Hairs inside your eye?

    Your doin it rong.

    If you wanna know more, try wikipedia on "Photoreceptor cell".
    SecretAznEks and jkjkjk182 like this.
  2. Well the Wii U looks awesome, so I'll be getting it. And from a business standpoint considering the Wii has sold more then Xbox and Ps3 combined there is no way they would stop making consoles. They are making too much money off of it.
  3. A general pokemon game won't come to the 3DS until the series' next generation. The only 3DS pokemon out right now is Pokemon Rumble Blast.
    Mikeguy2225 likes this.
  4. well i shouldve said hair-like not hairs
  5. What about Black & White 2?
  6. Those games are for the DS. There won't be another 3DS pokemon title likely until the series gets to it's 6th Generation.

  7. Well, that is the most recent release, which showed my point. And maybe the fact their advertisements have kids in them, ahi g the device. I am talking for the device, not the games.
  8. Miiverse is one of the known features that will be available for Wii U, as well as the 3DS. It may also be available for other moble devices too, like iPhones and iPads.
  9. I would be putting pictures on here too, but I don't know how to make it possible because I cannot get the image to appear when I enter it's URL code. I don't even where an image's URL is shown.
  10. The legend of zelda is half for kids now but... Its my favorite game series ever!!!!!!!!!
  11. Try right clicking the image and select "Copy Image Location".
  12. Some hardcore gamers said that the current games storyline getting gayer and gayer, why do they say that?

    Anyway I miss my PS2:(
  13. Is that 4k?I bet they have to develop a new video output standard in order to add support to a console, you need to use 4(Not sure) hdmi cable in order to output 2160p for now.
  14. Now then, what resolution do any of you think will become to the human eye no difference if increased?
    Hint: The result is above 1920x1080, but this doesn't mean that I know the answer.
  15. Way to Bump an Old Thread.