The Empire of the Future - My vision! (Updated: 7/13/18)

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Feb 7, 2014.

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  1. Also, as you had said earlier,
    Isn't that what we have wastelands for? Fresh resources, not having to travel far, and a near-instant connection to it as well.
  2. The point of that comment was to defend why we have the wastelands, and why we would not get rid of it as some have said to do.
  3. The new currency are not part of the "economy", but simply a statistic/number representing a current state.

    If a player does not want to fight the custom mobs or get the new items, then they also will not be getting Tokens, so whats the difference? No-one will be alienated.

    You can stick to simple vanilla minecraft if you wish still.

    Just because other players are competitive does not mean that interferes with your gameplay.

    And honestly EMC has always felt competitive for the entire 2 years I've been here.
  4. Tokens will not encourage players to compete, but more for players to work together towards a common goal, which is those tokens. Group based activities, such as Dragon Tombs, will reward people with tokens, and I don't believe that more players gives less tokens per player (so no incentive to hog the event). Credits will be related to being a highly contributing community member, and I would suspect that they will be site feature more than an in game feature considering that they are about perks and such.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  5. As I've said before, we will not balance gameplay elements around the economy. The economy is a tool meant to help you play the game, it is not our core foundation.

    Also, furthur more to that comment is that we EXTREMELY would not balance things around grinders/farming either.

    There will be safeguards put in place well before Empires is released that breaks the ability to 24/7 afk at a grinder, and if furthur changes are needed then we will.

    Core features and gameplay will always outweigh grinders though.

    Consider all of the people who are 100k out in the wild....

    Why should they have to suffer about who can visit their Empire all because of some guy at a grinder? That would be extremely unfair.

    Teleporting to Empires has to happen.
  6. Honestly, it's not even fair to reference credits as an ingame entity either.

    Credits as a 3rd entity will simply exists purely for user experience.

    We COULD not have credits, and instead make you purchase each invidual thing you want directly for USD as it is today, but the point is to let people buy larger quantity at once, get discounts, and also earn them through non real money methods, so there simply needs to be a name.

    Saying "You earned 1/3rd of a cent for voting" is just silly. It's a game and deserves a more fun name with a better scale.

    Though now were discussing something that I haven't even posted full details on yet :/
    chickeneer likes this.
  7. My only regret is that I never got to see your, well hidden, outpost Aikar.

    Oh sorry, off topic.

    Um, updates. yes, updates rock. Get some sleep though Ak, you need to stay healthy. ;p
  8. Lol, sorry. That was meant to be sarcastic. :confused:
  9. I have a base that's 40k blocks out. It's not much of a hastle to get there or get back, and death is already an instant teleport back to home or town. Having a base that's 100k blocks out (which is rather pointless), one can still get to town and back. Maybe a 20 minute ride overall? That's not very difficult. If one lacks the patience to wait for that long, they shouldn't have the benefit to teleport back to town instantly. And, what would be the command for this teleportation? /tpme neonkillah? That seems to me like a security issue.
    kaja_the_pug likes this.
  10. The Empires will be set-up using Empires. After the politics of how they are established, etc. is set - than the 'owner' would control who could teleport to their base (not just anyone)
    607 and cadgamer101 like this.
  11. The core of the base will be where teleporting to/from town is done. Maybe using some form of portal.

    And what does it matter if its possible to still get there? What benefit is there to force someone to have to spend 20-40 minutes of travel just to arrive?

    It's not challenging, its not fun, it doesn't qualify as any sense of "earning it", there is no benefit to forcing a visitor to spend 40 minutes to travel to a far away outpost.

    It would only act as a deterrence for a person to want to go visit.

    Outposts that are 100k out do not have any difference in economic benefit than an outpost that is 1k out, so why should there be such a huge difference in travel time?
    Nate_Frozen_Rain likes this.
  12. Well, unless they allow 'just anyone' =P
  13. >.> You are right. Wouldn't be my personal preference though. lol
  14. Well, I think that is not entirely true. Because there are no tokens now. I do not fight mobs either. But when tokens would be implemented, and people would go fight things and find items to get those tokens and post about them and get special things through them, there is actually a big chance I'll do that too. Because they have things I don't have. So it does influence my gameplay.
  15. your logic is flawed, you do not need tokens and thus do not need to fight monsters. cost analysis plays a big factor in things. its why fast food and delivery services are so popular. you dont NEED to eat fast but you want to so you go to like mcdonalds and eat poopy food.
    if you want the reward you have to do the work like it or not.
  16. It doesn't have to influence your gameplay, if you would choose not to use these new features. I believe that is what he meant. It doesn't interfere with your gameplay if you:
  17. Take into account the extremely different players from ALL OVER THE WORLD!
    I don't support EMC by way of $ but I Vote; I discuss EMC in my College courses; I participate on the forums; I once was Staff here. Many things I can't financially afford and yet I would love to have just one thing: Wild base, access to town for giveaways/drop parties/mini-games/chat in town...

    Not everyone has a credit card. Not everyone with a credit card can afford a $5/$10/$20 reccuring charge or for those in non-US countries, a currency conversion fee (I am VERY WELL AWARE of these: Visiting and sending money to my family in Honduras.)

    I play Minecraft on this server because I enjoy this community. Guess why I joined. ... I joined because I wanted to play with PEOPLE! not the AI. I have yet to come across a Chicken, Cow, Pig, Sheep, Creeper, Skeleton, Zombie, Villager, Ghast, Wolf, Blaze, Dragon, Wither, Wither Skeleton, Horse, Squid, Spider, Witch, or Zombie Pigman (or any other "living" NPC in game who has seen me in game and said "Hi Twitch1!" "How are you?" "How is your family?" "Want to see my build?".
    Those rupees I get, I usually GIVE them away just because I had a conversation with someone. If they say something on the forums that causes me to recognize them in game, I might throw them 10,000 rupees.
    Just joined the server and I am in a good mood, you may just get a 25,000 rupee bonus from me just for being here. You know why? I bet you haven't considered it: I did some one a favor, in the future they will need someone they can trust to let something heavy off their chest and I was the nice guy who gave them what they feel is an advantage in game and they remember me.
    Just pay attention when I get online, you will see me stand still on my farm, crops unharvested, and me speaking about whatever is on my mind, within reason. Minecraft brought me here. The community is why I stay.
    If I could afford a recurring charge of $100/month, I would do it. I can't and so I do the next best thing: I vote all the time. I help players out. I talk on the forums. I learn the features, the rules and the policies of EMC so that I can help others fit in.

    Even if Aikar turns this into a Tekkit server, as long as my EMC friends are here, I am staying. Minecraft lost the magic for me long ago. Aikar is breathing life into what I always wanted from Minecraft Multiplayer - Infinite world with infinite options. Just because I don't play economy doesn't mean I don't use it. If it was shut off, I personally would not be upset by that individual facet, but many players would leave.
    If we don't evolve, many players will leave. I don't play the PVP mini-game, yet I love that it is here. Many players stayed here because of that. Many more remain because Dragon Tombs is coming. Others remain because, as I do, they look forward to the day Empires is released. Once this day arrives, I will be playing Minecraft as I want to play.

    The Economy is not the life of this server. The COMMUNITY is! Remember this fact when you, as an individual, find fault in a single FEATURE and not the CORE of EMC!

    Other players are here for economy; Town; Wild; Pay-for-perks; Collect all the items; Griefing; etc. infinitum.
    Just because one person doesn't like something doesn't mean all the rest of us have to suffer.
  18. Hi noob here and this is the first server /post ever, but would like to chime in if i may.

    I've been on about a week now and am collecting as many resources as possible from the wastes. Lucked into a skel spawner (of course rigged it form some xp, made a quick enchanting room next to it... so life is good). Im not a pvp person, although my son loves that (calls me a dwarf).

    Getting to the point. I was initially excited about making this great shop or mall, but with so many huge places already in existence it doesn't seem like a great use of my time and i don't know why i need rupees (noob).
    I'm trying hard to see why folks play here - if not a shop what am i going to do with all these things i mine (not meant in a bad way). When in town i like to listen to the good chat, but i have only heard a rare mention about going into the wild together, never a mention of a outpost or something in the frontier. Don't even know if folks still play or build in the Frontier or Waste - live map usually just has me or one other on it.

    I really like the talk of the tp to frontier holdings, makes me think a community might work together to build a... anything (i'm sure there are some awesome creations out there, not putting down whats been done). But without being able to communicate with the rest of the server or the ability to zip back for pvp or help other friends with housing projects it doesn't seem like it'll ever be more then just a couple players creating something 40k or 100k out in the world all alone.

    20 min travel while not hard for me might be my friends total allotted play time.

    will stop there, sorry if disjointed. I think what you all have created is pretty darn cool and look forward to what you put out in the future. (server wide chat, portal movement between your res and frontier communities ... neat)

    p.s upgraded mobs definitely spice up my mining :) ty
    Twitch1, Pab10S, 607 and 2 others like this.
  19. Welcome to the Empire, Airgasious.
    A lot of the people who venture out into the frontier like to join outposts and large groups that some players created.
    If you would like to see some of the existing ones, take a look here. (
    I'm sure any base would love to accept you and your current love for the wild.
    The town is a nice place to go too, as you've already seen. Rupees are the in game currency. It's like a banknote system where you can sell and purchase things for rupees instead of having to barter and trade items. This also allows you to set up a shop system on your residence. I'd say the wiki explains it best.
    Twitch1, Pab10S, Airgasious and 3 others like this.
  20. You can come out and join my new outpost on smp2 :) Pm me if you are interested and I can help get you there one day. It's a small community out there right now, but we're active nonetheless.
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