The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. There is absolutely no difference in spawn rates between Wastelands/Frontier beyond the fact they know not to spawn near Wastelands spawns (but will at Frontier spawns since those dont have fixed positions and is currently hard to know if its near one)

    I'll even show the code for people who can understand basic programming :)
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  2. Ah, yes, "basic". :rolleyes:
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. not all that much different from lua which is easy to learn
  4. You lie! On SMP2, the ONLY place where Marlix has spawned commonly (more than once) is RIGHT ON TOP OF CENTER SPAWN.
  5. I didnt mean that, I meant that should be implied.
  6. The suggestion is to change that, Aikar. ;)
    Christ, if I could only remember the java I learned in college, I'd offer code suggestions myself. :(
  7. People are misusing the way "Vanilla" means. All what these mobs are are rewritten codes. A server that is not vanilla is using mobs that have different textures and do not do stuff that you could code in vanilla. These mobs are still using the minecraft gamefiles. Watch sethbling people. :p
  8. No it is not vanilla because the code has been changed from the original "vanilla" code and enhanced im pretty sure
  9. Well, the thing is Mojang WANTS Minecraft to be just like what we did.

    Mojang is constantly adding new ways for adventure map makers to make really custom maps.
    For example, 1.5 added the ability to stack multiple entities, and entities of weird type matching. Thats not used anywhere in the game...

    Also, they have hidden potion effects, and lore, that was mostly unused. Tons of stuff is all designed for people to customize Minecraft and make something unique.

    Like it or not, it's not us taking Minecraft this direction, it's Mojang. We are just doing what they want people to do.

    I look at Minecraft as becoming not a game, but a game engine... And the upcoming Plugin API proves this point.

    Mojang wants Minecraft to be a set of tools, then other developers create games on top of Minecraft. People are already doing this, look at MineZ/Shotbow, Project Ares/Overcast Networks, and now Dungeon Realms.

    Dungeon Realms is probally the biggest deal to this idea of using MC as a game engine than everything else.

    It would be silly of us to sit back and resist this ideology, that would kill EMC.

    Instead, we are embracing it, and moving forward with it. More stuff like this will be coming to EMC (The first being D Tombs).

    We want to be ahead of the curve. 1.6 is another example that is adding tons of potential. More unique items will be added that contain even cooler item stats... And guess where you'll obtain them? From the new stuff :).

    All of this stuff is from Mojang. It's what they want the game to be, and EMC can not sit at the back of the line, players want the new fun stuff Mojang is pushing :)

    For the players who oppose all this stuff, please don't look at it as US forcing it upon you, but Mojang. Rejecting major ideas and features Mojang adds is not a road we will go down, as it would for sure mark the death of EMC.
    cddm95ace, wisepsn, mba2012 and 8 others like this.
  10. Thats why minecraft is ever-lasting because you can always customize it and add stuff :D
    Go EMC! :p
    jrm531 and jacob5089 like this.
  11. Mojang didn't add Marlix. Mojang didn't code Netherhounds. Mojang didn't apply this update.
    You did.
    I don't agree with all of it, as has been plainly obvious, but I accept being the minority on the matter.
    You're the codemaster here, Aikar. Accept your responsibility for implementing these things, don't try and pass it off on Mojang simply because the code is buried in there to make it "possible." I don't care what fossils they have embedded in the strata.

    I get that you want to push the envelope a bit, do more with the tools they've given. You don't hear me protesting Dragon Tombs, do you? Bring it on! The dragon stays there, in its Tomb, awaiting brave challengers to come face it. It doesn't randomly spawn in the wild looking for me.
  12. I believe you missed his point. Mojang is ENCOURAGING things like this to developers. They want us to do things like we're doing by giving us the tools to do so. If they didn't, they wouldn't have these things available. We plan on taking advantage of all the tools given to us to keep EMC ahead of the curve.
    wisepsn, mba2012, jkjkjk182 and 7 others like this.
  13. Well, 1.6 is doing the same thing this update did... The wild is going to be a lot more difficult in 1.6. Mojang is changing stuff to make zombies swarm you from far distances... and increasing difficulty as you stay there... Meaning wild outposts will constantly be at a "hard" difficulty level.

    We simply beat them to the punch of making it more difficult and complimenting their changes. :)
  14. So why dont you make it so the longer you are in the area a Monolus / Marlix spawns? :D
  15. Hint: Constantly moving gives you A LOT better chances at spawning rares than standing around...
    deathconn likes this.
  16. You didn't mention the Doctor Who Client "mod" that has been in development for several months using Minecraft as the base, but creating a full brand new experience.. :3
  17. yes i know, it loads more chunks and more spawning space, i just feel like thatd be a cool feature
  18. The intent is to get people out moving in the wild and exploring, rewarding standing still seems counter productive don't you think? lol.
  19. No because I'd rather afk and wait for something to spawn then have to work. Laziness at its finest.
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  20. I have googled this and haven't seen it anywhere...